- 1
Error mage frost
#2599 opened by Mithras2801 - 0
Models in a bar always load with 100% opacity even though it is set to a lower amount!
#2600 opened by Gutasso - 0
Error when selecting the Exact Spell Match option
#2601 opened by Nightwarden24 - 0
Icon has a missing texture
#2604 opened by Nightwarden24 - 0
Some options for Classic are displayed in Retail version.
#2605 opened by Nightwarden24 - 0
Missing weapon type in the Item Type Equipped trigger
#2606 opened by Nightwarden24 - 1
Removing a condition doesn't update the aura immediately / after closing options
#2603 opened by Causese - 1
Pet Behaviour's
#2609 opened by Leggolock - 0
Covenants Load Condition
#2610 opened by Stanzilla - 0
Missing Texture in Spell Alert Texture picker
#2611 opened by groin - 1
Unit Frames misapplying to offline players after GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE with custom Trigger State Updater
#2617 opened by stuar7 - 0
"Weapon Enchant / Fishing Lure" trigger not firing on remaining time option.
#2618 opened by Crelam - 1
how fix pls ?
#2620 opened by Dobi83 - 3
Division by zero error causes trigger state to remain frozen until reloaded
#2621 opened by bartuszekj - 1
#2622 opened by Zonk1987 - 0
Else-If on Conditional Failure
#2624 opened by KharTheCharr - 1
Fire mage Ignite icon no longer shows damage count, dealed to the target. It worked yesterday, but no more.
#2625 opened by mrPrizrak - 3
Add alpha setting to model aura
#2626 opened by WareditorGit - 1
Error importing WA updates
#2627 opened by yajinni - 1
Aura category update change/no change
#2628 opened by knelson39 - 1
Easy option to display GCD/Range/Resource options for spell icons
#2629 opened by GadgetC - 3
Conditions Tab: can't assign Specific Unit
#2630 opened by Trickhamster - 1
WA interface
#2631 opened by lolderer - 4
UNIT_SPELLCAST_SENT:player does not trigger custom function
#2632 opened by spamwax - 1
Weakauras blocking guild notes
#2633 opened by LordKrycek - 4
Support for "maintank" tag in triggers
#2635 opened by AdmyraYakar - 2
Models in a group are not scaling
#2638 opened by LootFever - 9
Transmission.lua: controlledChildren (a nil value)
#2637 opened by spamwax - 1
Clicking and dragging a scroll handle scrolls the editor window in the wrong direction.
#2641 opened by capoferro - 1
Editing custom checks on a dynamic group can't use expanded code editor
#2642 opened by capoferro - 1
Add possibility of loading if in instance or in combat.
#2643 opened by capoferro - 0
WA options window size is no longer resizeable in certain scenarios
#2644 opened by Causese - 5
Importing Weakaura ingame via Sharing fails and produce LUA Error
#2645 opened by Breakerzeus - 1
[Feature] add neutral creatures/mobs/npcs into the hostility selection or reaction possibly?
#2646 opened by strickland - 0
Allow for text output in the Error Frame
#2639 opened by 1ps3 - 0
No Slice and Dice for Assassination
#2640 opened by jAceb88 - 4
Weird error, no idea what it is.
#2647 opened by griddark - 1
using WeakAuras.ScanEvents() onHide stops weakaura from triggering
#2649 opened by Causese - 1
Group anchoring at "Center" instead of "Bottom Left"
#2650 opened by MSav93 - 1
Progression Bar for Warrior Rage
#2653 opened by Warmouser - 2
Frame strata selector for individual weakaura text or text overlapping borders
#2654 opened by Finneas98 - 2
TSU custom variables
#2656 opened by superderpicus - 2
Can no longer open WeakAuras after updating
#2657 opened by thezeldrak - 2
WeakAuras not working
#2652 opened by Escyrial - 0
Shift-click to pause addon execution - Not working for icons with glow/triggers
#2662 opened by DwayneHawkins - 0
Allow loading of an aura when you are NOT a specific Covenant
#2664 opened by seanpeters86 - 3
Player Covenant Load condition does not work while leveling/trying out Covenants
#2663 opened by seanpeters86 - 0
Non-dynamic group members off by 1/1 pixel
#2658 opened by Mitalie - 1
Dynamic (event-based) conditions are not updated if dynamic information trigger is inactive
#2660 opened by Mitalie - 1
Y-offset for multiple elements in a dynamic group is container based, not element based
#2661 opened by c048