- 2
- 5
Commit v9.0.1 to git? - Type id is always 0 on field place.
#262 opened by Psithief - 1
Dblock disappears, reappears
#264 opened by spydercanopus - 12
Stone's deactivation
#265 opened by Kaos1337 - 1
No Cuboid Found
#266 opened by die266 - 1
[Feature Request] command blocking
#267 opened by AquaXV - 2
Enforce new limits
#268 opened - 5
PermissionsEx and Adding Allowed Groups
#269 opened by codezomb - 2
Is there a way to prevent just one kind of explosion?
#221 opened by atasheep - 2
Visualization Crashes Client
#222 opened by cjayride - 3
#220 opened by fatmarley - 2
Data Values for Non-Wool Pstones
#224 opened by CodexArcanum - 2
Custom block hardness
#225 opened by Wolf480pl - 1
Feature Request: prevent-destroy-minecart
#226 opened by cjayride - 12
Fields within fields
#223 opened - 1
Shift-left-click does not start drawing mode for cuboid fields (PS 8.3)
#227 opened by Chrisknyfe - 2
sneak-to-place-feild not working right.
#228 opened by clucky - 1
economy bug with drawing mode
#230 opened by fonkfader - 1
economy bug with drawing mode
#231 opened by fonkfader - 1
Air of Atlantis
#232 opened by realdustin - 1
prevent-tnt-explosions flag not working.
#233 opened by netherfoam - 3
/ps visualize black screens the game
#229 opened by ThornedRose - 1
EventException During Use
#234 opened by TnTBass - 1
1.2.3 compatibility
#235 opened by GubiD - 1
bug: Can place blocks marked as protection by sneak in other player protection field ...
#236 opened by BioBG - 1
[Feature request] Dynmap compatibility and Flags.
#237 opened by MonsterTKE - 0
#238 opened by ikke18 - 1
[Feature request] Custom messages
#239 opened by aciidic - 2
[Feature Request] Unable/Disable Global PVP, Unable/Disable in the Fields.
#240 opened by BioBG - 0
for delete
#241 opened by BioBG - 9
Long shot question...
#242 opened by cubesteak - 1
#243 opened by bladedpenguin - 1
Im sure you are excited for more fixing!
#244 opened by moneybagman - 1
[BUG] Issues when being teleported into fields. Player cant log on until they are moved out.
#245 opened by darkcloud784 - 1
[Feature request] Simple Piston Fix!
#246 opened by aciidic - 1
Modified Config
#247 opened by setzer1411 - 2
[Feature Request] Flags: Clear Inv, Clear specific items/blocks, Add items to inv
#249 opened by mindofbeholder - 1
Block Ownership
#248 opened by setzer1411 - 8
Dropping multiple blocks on PS break
#250 opened by DoctorXela - 2
Healing stones resurrecting players?
#251 opened by Bronski - 2
no pvp and jack o death
#252 opened by die266 - 1
[REQ] Permissions Stone (flag)
#254 opened by selfservice0 - 4
Some bugs! (if prevent-place-everywhere: true)
#255 opened by BioBG - 5
Clean Up Not working
#253 opened by Mr00Anderson - 1
Forester error
#257 opened by LordBoos - 0
[Feature Request] Min Height limit
#258 opened by Pr07o7yp3 - 2
[REQ]WorldGuard Repellent
#256 opened by skylinec - 2
Chest Protection Bypass
#259 opened by vvmattozzvv - 4
SQL problem
#260 opened by KradGothel - 0
[Feature Request] No-growth flag
#261 opened by Bronski