- 0
Toolboxes on trains lose filtering on world restart.
#6323 opened by lellasone - 1
Mixing Datapacks dont work 1.20.01
#6319 opened by EpicTundra - 1
Items not showing up in Create creative tab or JEI.
#6320 opened by DrEvBoss - 1
Menu button not showing in non-English languages until restart
#6321 opened by Eggmanplant - 2
The mechanical piston needs to be rotated 135° to extend, but only 1° is required to retract
#6322 opened by cymSTUDIO - 1
Bug report lodestone
#6318 opened by HandsomeToast - 0
Train kicks you off the seat when server has unstable/slow internet connection
#6361 opened by totrider - 0
Wiki page on custom recipes needs updating
#6353 opened by blockninja124 - 1
Fence gates on trains
#6354 opened by MaverXka - 8
Version for Minecraft 1.19.4?
#6355 opened by Kyleo3345 - 1
Using Hand Crank should create hunger
#6359 opened by Chris6ix - 2
Client crash when check elevator name size
#6357 opened by artem-afonin - 1
Boolean Property attemping to find Mechanical Pump (Steampunk modpack by SHXRKIE
#6358 opened by rwby19 - 16
Crashing issue
#6360 opened by wolfie556 - 0
#6324 opened by H0lyDiana - 11
I am trying to open minecraft forge 1.18.2 and I get the following error:
#6328 opened by TheDarkESP - 1
Unbreakable NBT tag on Glue gives "Not Enough Glue" error
#6326 opened by DaRealMinecraftexpert - 2
[1.20.1] version 6.2.0 stop loading when dispatching sided
#6327 opened by yilitai - 3
Supplementaries Candle Holders Cannot Be Glued to Contraptions, Thus They Break When The Contraption is Assembled
#6329 opened by buny690 - 1
Iceberg API makes goggles tooltip render incorrectly
#6331 opened by 3ncanis - 0
[Feature Request] Ability to rebind "W" to Ponder
#6330 opened by 3ncanis - 0
Colored Tiled/Framed Glass
#6332 opened by FlashOfAsh - 1
Crash when trying to view custom Sequenced Assembly recipe including a filling step in JEI
#6333 opened by etherealgears - 1
Create doesn't work with Optifine. Help
#6334 opened by herosh1sh - 1
1.19.2 Issue with Blaze Burner Block - NoClassDefFoundError
#6335 opened by adoetho - 1
Windmills and Elevators disappear after server crash / restart
#6336 opened by RohitMoni - 1
Dupe when extracting from Conveyor Belt with Smart Chute
#6337 opened by ArsenicPurple - 2
Java Crash - problematic frame - Mechanical Mixer
#6338 opened by cembohan - 6
net.minecraft.ReportedException: Ticking block entity - Crash Server
#6362 opened by Mr666dd - 0
Rendering Block Entity (1.20.1)
#6339 opened by snlumi - 1
Parsing error loading some recipes
#6340 opened by modsbydreamCritting - 1
Items in my creative inventory disappear
#6341 opened by Michal3000 - 2
Add minecraft:moss_carpet to the #create:brittle block tag
#6342 opened by Plite7067 - 0
Add Silver Ingot from Ice And Fire to silver ingot compats
#6344 opened by Sagragoth - 1
Minecarts coupled cant use slopes
#6345 opened by 2129guy - 1
Many machine status displays have string replacement errors
#6346 opened by yuanbraing - 0
Bamboo moves while on contraption, but goes back to normal when in block form
#6347 opened by Plite7067 - 1
Game crashes when pressing e.
#6350 opened by Tedmcbur - 2
Repurpose Flywheels into "rotational power capacitors"
#6349 opened by axialeaa - 2
Chest top is black bruh, how did yall miss this bug...
#6351 opened by Gintas2002 - 1
API Suggestion - Air Powered Tool Parent Class
#6363 opened by psilocke - 2
Mechanical mixer not stopping
#6364 opened by Ion3254 - 2
Some encased blocks allow redstone through, others don't
#6365 opened by Plite7067 - 5
Computercraft Compatability with Sequenced Gearshift and Rotation Speed Controller is broken
#6366 opened by CatsAndSecrets - 4
Create crashing when opening inventory
#6367 opened by ALEILGOD - 0
Crash when viewing mechanical crafter recipe for ender pouch (1.19.2)
#6368 opened by drenough - 4
Server crashed when using schematic cannon
#6369 opened by ChuilaHinata - 1
Crash world With update
#6370 opened by GmanAtheist - 2
Crash al renderizar un bloque
#6371 opened by macrokebab - 1
Crash while Initializing Game on Multiloader Template
#6372 opened by ReMelon