- 7
Server Hangs Whilst Player Connects, Related to Conveyor Belts
#4552 opened by jeong-jaegyu - 0
Server crashes when placing a gantry carriage on a gantry shaft
#4553 opened by bear989 - 3
Mechanical Pistons won't recognize extension poles added by Deployers unless RPM of the contraption is updated
#4554 opened by vahaala - 0
Issue on Epic fight (i think its a bug?)
#4555 opened by nicolau1au - 2
Mechanical mixer not working in Hardcore World
#4529 opened by MiVanYT - 1
trains are not rendered in new chunks when you are on another train
#4530 opened by IshuCute - 3
Version 0.5.0 for Minecraft 1.16.5
#4532 opened by BraveCaperCat2 - 0
Super Glue Automation Mechanics
#4533 opened by gmorale1 - 1
Cannot create a world
#4535 opened by mocksonline - 0
Compat with project vibrant journeys causes errors due to removed blocks
#4536 opened by Neposis - 0
Transparent Schematic Previews
#4537 opened by Tetraodone - 2
Server and Client Crash whenever train hits mob
#4538 opened by deSuperNoodle - 3
Assembling a Train causes the game to crash
#4540 opened by Gaming-Tr - 0
Copper Backtank crash
#4541 opened by OinkerPoinker - 1
sequenced assembly impossible
#4542 opened by GabclarexxFR - 11
Game Crashes when Press over Basin Makes Blaze cake
#4543 opened by V3AI-Seven - 0
Allow Schematic Table to see schematics in sub-folders
#4544 opened by TheAmazingJeh - 3
[1.19.3] Server compatibility with minecolonies
#4545 opened by Ackar77 - 0
Ores will not spawn with Biomes O' Plenty. 1.19.2
#4546 opened by TodAufDerFlutch - 0
#4547 opened by FrancescoMMX - 0
Github action `label-issues` works, but exits with `AggregateError`.
#4551 opened by James103 - 0
Can't use a lead to pick up mobs sitting on a seat from Create mod
#4549 opened by James103 - 0
Block `create:metal_girder_encased_shaft` is waterlogged by default
#4550 opened by James103 - 1
Deployer breaks unbreakable tools when they're used
#4548 opened by James103 - 2
Client-Side Crash On Launch
#4556 opened by ereese99 - 3
Render issue for mechanical craft of Enderstorage Ender chest/Ender tank
#4557 opened by GothCartel - 2
Builder's tea doesn't grant haste effect when dripping out of a pipe
#4559 opened by unofficial-fish - 1
Assembling a train made my world crash
#4558 opened by Rikkete - 3
Gantry Contraption crashing (Server side)
#4560 opened by Lucasmellof - 0
I can't open the game
#4561 opened by iBurqwu - 0
Add update 0.5 to older version
#4562 opened by AANG-Eisen - 1
create not recognizing custom recipe
#4566 opened by FyrfyX8 - 1
I've just installed the mod and got a rendering crash.
#4563 opened by d0g4-c3m - 3
Cant use encased fan
#4564 opened by SirArturMcArtur - 2
Schematic max size not updating
#4565 opened by DJ-Laser - 3
(Quick Fix 🤞) Fluids not being registered to Water / Lava tags
#4567 opened by cakeGit - 2
Diagonal Vertical Belts, and Rotated Rotation Speed Controllers
#4568 opened by IdrisQe - 2
Deployer use smithing tables
#4569 opened by Legende04 - 2
Tinkers Construct Shearing trait bug
#4570 opened by xbxbxb123 - 2
Adding pocket to a backpack destroyed all of my house walls XD
#4571 opened by lemont23 - 3
Client crashes when opening the "Create" tab in the Creative inventory on a server in 1.19.2
#4572 opened by luftwafflezz - 5
#4573 opened by HUYBUSSIN - 2
Optifine connected texture does not work on blocks with non-standard heights
#4574 opened by NeonBlaze101 - 14
#4576 opened by xXjojojXx - 1
Consider adding filtering to andesite funnels
#4578 opened by Naxum - 0
Config option for automated shaped/shapeless crafting blacklist
#4580 opened by kyragit - 7
add motors but thay are survival ones (best idea came for this)
#4581 opened by xxxprosoldierxxx - 1
Giving Andesite Tunnels more identity, and bridging the Filter-gap to Brass
#4582 opened by IdrisQe - 4
Train elvators and turn tables
#4583 opened by FarmerOfBricks - 0
Tree Fertilizer respects biome and block sapling is in/on
#4584 opened by OutrightWings