- 0
Difficult to distinguish populated blocks in inventory
#89 opened by nheath - 1
TNP Limitless 4 - Villagers not recovering Trades
#88 opened by Semorphim - 1
[1.18] Villagers despawn from blocks upon exit or when destroying blocks
#90 opened by kgeno - 2
Incompatibility with Trading Post mod for cycle trades
#93 opened by LegendaryTot - 0
Add indicator in Auto Trader UI that trade is not stocked
#92 opened by LegendaryTot - 1
custom blocks aren't loading in
#91 opened by thearabest2 - 0
Not Working
#94 opened by Minecraftaxoltl - 1
Duplicating emeralds using refresh trades
#99 opened by vik0us - 1
Iron farm block causing client crash
#95 opened by Jinja144 - 1
Iron farm block causing client crash
#96 opened by Jinja144 - 3
Converter works without Potion of Weakness
#97 opened by KellAtreides - 1
Cured villagers are increasing prices
#98 opened by dezzzzzzzzzzz - 1
[1.16.5]Cartographer cause server crash
#100 opened by KuLiPoi - 2
Cartographer cause server crash
#101 opened by KuLiPoi - 1
Compatibility with MCA Reborn
#102 opened - 3
Villagers not restocking
#103 opened by kaiden-lcfc - 2
add more food for breeding (datapack)
#104 opened by vezariel - 1
Very laggy in large amounts. Add a minimal detail setting?
#106 opened by JustHans - 1
Converter only accepts one kind of weakness potion
#109 opened by rewenx - 1
Villagers appear sideways
#108 opened by rewenx - 4
Raid Block
#111 opened by BluMasc - 1
This is a Korean translation.
#110 opened by hayanggom - 1
Compatibility with texture packs
#112 opened by ObiGanovi - 1
compatability request for more villagers and trading post
#113 opened by urolithicrogue - 1
Minecart that can capture villagers as items
#114 opened by isaaclepes - 0
Villagers suddenly increase prices, and prices differ when they're out or in an auto-trader
#115 opened by SamayaNL - 1
[1.18.2] Make the Immersive engineering workbenches fit inside the trading block
#116 opened by ffuentesm - 1
Shouldn't the tag for baby villagers indicate they are a baby?
#117 opened by Glittersword - 1
Volume control in config not affecting mod sounds
#118 opened by RamenNoodles - 1
[minor issue] Farmer Trader not restocking according to config file.
#119 opened by RamenNoodles - 1
TNP Limitless dont work with your mod
#122 opened by AustrianFireFighter - 3
Villagers not restocking
#121 opened by TropicalFlixz - 1
auto crop farms are not working
#127 opened by Solidbeast42 - 1
Mod fails to load
#123 opened by azxebyte - 0
Config issue: Server ignores client config for sneak + pickup
#124 opened by Famous5000 - 1
Farmer block not working with modded plants
#125 opened by jlaine3333 - 1
Iron Farms in chests - Bookbanning Issue with Carryon
#126 opened by Vuulfrin - 3
(Auto)Trader wont stack after used
#129 opened by Dev-Bjorn - 11
Iron Farm Frame Drops
#128 opened by Dev-Bjorn - 0
Auto Trader doesn't replenish item
#130 opened by JueXiuHuang - 9
Trader GUI doesn't open on server.
#131 opened by Clickism - 1
Can't get Protection IV Enchanted Book
#132 opened by wildkurt - 4
Farmer block does not support non-vanilla
#133 opened by shanoaice - 3
Conflicting Mods With Easy Villagers (Help)
#134 opened by UlitimoTheGamer - 1
Can't put a job block inside the Trader block
#135 opened by tls0712 - 2
Can't put a job block inside the Trader block
#136 opened by tls0712 - 2
I cannot put in workbenches into traders or autotraders
#139 opened by Momentusm - 1
Cannot put in workbenches
#138 opened by Momentusm - 1
Traders not restocking items while inside trader block.
#140 opened by capeman7 - 1
Trader block wont restock traders
#142 opened by liammr992