- 0
Support for Actually Additions, Base Metals and SilentsGems Hoes in 1.10
#3490 opened by b0bst3r - 0
Ender IO 1.10.2- will not launch because of forge version mismatch
#3491 opened by Spirevipp - 5
[Suggestion] Inventory Panel Security
#3492 opened by Unforgiven31 - 1
1.10.2 - Dark boots drain of charge when flying with elytra
#3493 opened by garyyo - 0
[1.10.2] Exception Placing PowerCell next to EnderIO Capacitor Bank
#3494 opened by veirden - 3
Storage drawers issue specific to the inventory panel.
#3495 opened by Darkritual1117 - 9
[QoL] Killer Joe uses sword until it has 1 durability left
#3496 opened by Peach774 - 2
Bug? Killer Joe doesnt use XP it collect to repair tools with mending
#3497 opened by Peach774 - 1
Photovoltaic Cells not craftable when disabling Dimensional Transceiver
#3498 opened by Cakestory - 0
Existing item filter icon
#3499 opened by AnrDaemon - 0
Suggestion: add config option for changing the Ender's damage
#3500 opened by richardmv - 5
[1.10.2] [server crash]
#3501 opened by DaemosDaen - 4
EnderIO won't start on Forge
#3502 opened by bence98 - 1
[1.10.2] Crash on server startup
#3503 opened by kwpugh - 2
Server Crash Issue #3478 Still Happening but on 1.10.2 Now
#3504 opened by arakielG - 1
[Suggestion] support for extra utils red orcchid seeds 1.10
#3505 opened by vertex101 - 3
1.10.2 - Forge Bucket from Fluid Tank
#3506 opened by Peach774 - 16
Buckets and Fluid Tanks
#3507 opened by Susjin - 1
[Request]Chisel connected textures
#3513 opened by Susjin - 1
Feature Suggestion.
#3514 opened by NJM1564 - 0
[1.7.10] breaking block error
#3515 opened by plenet10 - 1
[1.10.2] Dark Clear Glass does not Block Light
#3516 opened by Xiaminou - 2
Soulbound enchant dramatically reduces opportunities for more practical enchants
#3517 opened by foxanthony1 - 1
Farming Station works only once
#3518 opened by IfElifElse - 0
1.10.2- Doesn't Play well with Souls Mod 1.10.2-1.0.2
#3519 opened by kreezxil - 8
Shift+Left-click function of yeta wrench appears to be borked, except on insulated redstone conduits?
#3520 opened by Trisscar05 - 3
[1.10.2] IC2 rubber wood in alloy smelter
#3521 opened by WildKarrade - 1
[1.10.2]Item conduct crash when use to extract floppy disk to Hard drive (refine storage)
#3522 opened by NanayaQ - 1
- 7
Crash on RedstoneConduitNetwork.notifyConduitNeighbours
#3524 opened by utoc - 0
[1.10.2] Broken Spawners not dropping
#3525 opened by yepidoodles - 2
Fluid Tank duping Buckets
#3526 opened by rockohamilton - 1
ender io base items will not craft.
#3527 opened by kain184 - 1
Unlimited Lava bucket
#3528 opened by pribibazsi - 2
[Suggestion] 1.9/1.10 Add support for TESLA (Energy) API
#3529 opened by Tomson124 - 2
Bucket Dupe bug [1.10.2]
#3530 opened by 016Nojr - 13
Cant launch pack with ender-IO installed
#3509 opened by Decadora - 4
Crash on World Loading with Funky Locomotion
#3510 opened by michelegargiulo - 2
Alloy smelter duplication bug
#3511 opened by Pyrocrafter - 1
Slice'N'Splice Destroys Materials with JEI (1.10.2)
#3512 opened by Wolftousen - 6
Electromagnet works anywhere in inventory
#3534 opened by FreneticScribbler - 2
#3535 opened by AuaerAuraer - 1
Missing texture - conduit probe
#3536 opened by lilrichy - 1
Facades not orientating correctly
#3537 opened by DnTheMn - 1
Suggestion: Dark Steel Shield
#3538 opened by GabrielCorso - 1
MultiModel minecraft:builtin/missing is empty (no base model or parts were provided/resolved)
#3539 opened by Gamerbolts - 3
[1.10.2] JEI Plugin not loading
#3540 opened by exp111 - 1
[1.10.2] Compatibility with EvilCraft's dark tank fluids
#3531 opened by C0rn3j - 6
[1.10.2] FW: Placing conduits before placing Ender Key Chests will not allow access to inventory
#3532 opened by gigaherz - 1
[1.10.2] klicking Reservoir with empty bucket gets you 1000 buckets full of water in one stack
#3533 opened by DietmarKrause