- 0
[1.7.10] Stirling generator chokes on custom fuel.
#3437 opened by AnrDaemon - 4
RF Gauge - Crash
#3438 opened by Elvarion - 21
1.7.10 -- Integration with Magical Crops - Farming Station only harvests seeds and primary essence drop
#3454 opened by PegasusRider - 5
Necrotic Bones drop too frequently
#3455 opened by MineWitherMC - 2
[1.9.4] XP absorbed by killer joe doesn't repair sword with mending enchant (other enchant works fine)
#3457 opened by LordHellscream - 1
[1.9.4] Cannot put lever on killer joe
#3456 opened by LordHellscream - 5
(sorry I have no idea what but it crashed) Maybe Telepad? 1.9.4
#3458 opened by Bellwar - 9
Custom Recipes not showing on JEI and not working
#3459 opened by MrAmericanMike - 2
[1.10] Soul Binder not functioning properly on server only
#3460 opened by dirtyfargo - 2
[Suggestion] Killer Joe
#3461 opened by CristinoValdigem - 1
[1.9.4] - Waila capacitor block name and icon missing
#3462 opened by Lazarix - 1
[1.7.10] Painted Glowstone is buggy when placed by RFTools Builder, crashes server when broken
#3439 opened by TheBrain0110 - 1
1.9.4 - java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
#3440 opened by p455w0rd - 8
[1.8.9] farming station does not recognize mod seeds as seeds
#3441 opened by kotoroshinoto - 3
[1.9.4] Suggestion - XP Tank for XP Obelisk
#3442 opened by praetoras - 2
[1.9.4] [] Redstone Conduits not picking up, or dropping off signal
#3443 opened by Rosethorns - 2
GUI crash
#3444 opened by TheGuyFromTheInternet - 10
RF config doesn't update in GUI
#3445 opened by cj89898 - 1
Any way to toggle off certain enchantments in the game like XP Boost etc?
#3447 opened by LordHellscream - 3
[1.7.10] SAG Mill creates infinite Matter Overdrive Tritanium
#3448 opened by forrester-marc - 1
Fluid conduit will not connect to Tinker's Construct tank
#3449 opened by lanAnderson - 0
Dimensional Transceivers losing channels with server restart
#3450 opened by JTLWebDesign - 4
generator swapped names
#3451 opened by generilisk - 1
1.9.4 Curse uploads missing EnderCore dependency.
#3452 opened by AnrDaemon - 3
[Enh] Add optional Coolant input for Stirling engine
#3453 opened by AnrDaemon - 8
[1.9.4] The Attractor Obelisk does not "Attract" instead it "Repels"
#3465 opened by sigsus - 1
[Enhancement?] fluid tank control [Bug?] fluid conduits do not attach to tinkers smeltery
#3466 opened by tom89194 - 3
[1.9.4] issue with yeta wrench crash
#3467 opened by CitiesXL2815 - 1
[suggestion] [1.7.10] Galacticraft Oxygen
#3468 opened by Cronosus - 2
JEI/EnderIO Staff of travelling Crash
#3469 opened by shadowbot - 4
Zombie spawner bugged
#3470 opened by Visstick - 1
Server crashed [1.10] [EnderIO 1.10-]
#3471 opened by TheMrCaveman - 7
[Suggestion] EU Conduits
#3472 opened by RealKC - 0
[1.7.10] User placed blocks blocking travel anchor
#3474 opened by Nsixtyfour - 1
[1.7.10] Dark Steel Armor durability bug
#3475 opened by Shahelion - 9
Crash when right clicking Vibrant Capacitor Bank (maybe any capacitor bank)
#3476 opened by TopWraith - 1
Endercore saying minimum of core version when using
#3477 opened by COMTOP1 - 2
Server Crash [1.9.4] : After Long Idle Time
#3478 opened by arakielG - 0
1.10.2 Crash on Respawn
#3479 opened by Peach774 - 4
Relocation obelisk doesn't appear to do anything
#3480 opened by LordHellscream - 5
Suggestion: Gas conduits to support Mekanism gases.
#3464 opened by Spleenczar - 1
[Enh] Direct color picker for conduits.
#3485 opened by AnrDaemon - 3
1.10.2 - Killer joe does not repair mending tools
#3486 opened by garyyo - 2
[1.10.2] Boat Crash?
#3487 opened by 63502 - 5
[1.10.2] Crash on server startup
#3488 opened by kwpugh - 5
[Suggestion] New end-tier (hah) alloy.
#3489 opened by Dhvagra - 1
server crash enderio bug report
#3481 opened by IchigoGames - 5
[1.10] Redstone Conduit Crash
#3482 opened by EPIICTHUNDERCAT - 4
[Request] Support for Actually Additions Canola plants for Farming Station
#3483 opened by b0bst3r - 2
1.10.2 - Conduits are weird and invisible and can crash you.
#3484 opened by Peach774