- 1
EnderIO creates some ItemStacks with null Items during startup
#3384 opened by mezz - 1
[1.9.4] Opening creative search tab crashes the client
#3385 opened by jawsawn - 0
[1.9.4] Killer Joe not using 1.9 mechanics
#3386 opened by Kazzamkablam - 2
[1.9.4] Basic and double layer capacitor recipes missing/don't work
#3387 opened by kwpugh - 2
[1.9.4] Server crash when joining.
#3394 opened by Xiaminou - 3
[1.9.4] Inventory Panel Issue(s)
#3395 opened by Xiaminou - 0
[1.9.4] Connected Textures behaving badly
#3396 opened by Xiaminou - 2
[1.9.4] Facades (as items) not showing any textures
#3397 opened by Xiaminou - 5
[1.9.4] Powered Spawner can't be combined with Broken Spawner in Anvil
#3398 opened by Melakion - 1
Killer Joe causes crashes/Phantom block in SMP 1.9.4
#3399 opened by sanderrouk - 2
1.9.4 Enchanter
#3400 opened by Krutontar - 1
Game crashes when using teleporter
#3401 opened by LordHellscream - 2
[1.9.4] Server crash when re-joining (java.lang.Error)
#3402 opened by Xiaminou - 4
[1.9.4] Suggestions and nitpicking
#3403 opened by Xiaminou - 1
[1.9.4] Telepads crashing after teleport
#3404 opened - 3
[1.9.4] Retrieving XP from Killer Joe sometimes fails
#3405 opened by Xiaminou - 2
[1.9.4] Bad tooltip background color
#3406 opened by iamceph - 2
[1.9.4] crash shift clicking sentient sword from blood magic into the capacitor bank
#3388 opened by kamyflouge - 14
Insulated Conduits not connecting to RFTools machines
#3389 opened by ThatSava - 13
Pull Requests!
#3391 opened by kraineff - 1
[1.9.4] Placing facade painted with Quite Clear Glass crashes client
#3392 opened by RealGrep - 0
Yeta Wrench not saving rotation of chests or other blocks
#3409 opened by lanAnderson - 12
Error RF Api in EnderIO-1.7.10-
#3410 opened by Prizrakk - 0
[Enhancement] Add config option to register more fuels
#3411 opened by hron84 - 1
Ender IO 1.7.10 inventory panel & storage drawers " video for better visual "
#3412 opened by tarzan1376 - 1
[1.9.4] Obelisks push you off when you stand on them
#3413 opened by Drullkus - 1
1.9.4 Gui issue
#3414 opened by tyler489 - 11
End Dragons are not spawnable despite IBossDisplayData mobs config being allowed.
#3415 opened by Drullkus - 6
[1.9.4] add enchantment tooltip support [minor]
#3416 opened by tyler489 - 4
Nevermind problem is not do to Ender IO. Will delete after I get a response
#3417 opened by Auyster - 3
Farming Station will not harvest Ore Berries (TiC)
#3407 opened by aetherpirate - 1
[1.9.4] Travel Anchor label sprites flipped horizontally
#3408 opened by Gotolei - 5
Wither skeletons shooting arrows when power spawned
#3434 opened by Kraege - 2
[1.9.4] Powered spawner ignores redstone triggers
#3435 opened by C0rn3j - 1
Server Error [1.7.10]
#3436 opened by dir-rafa - 9
Rapid triggering of Redstone conduit can cause severe chunk re-rendering
#3418 opened by AtomicBlom - 2
[Suggestion] Tinkers' Construct Integration for alloys
#3419 opened by yepidoodles - 2
[1.9.4] Inventory Panel Doesn't Display Items In Large Storage Networks
#3420 opened by praetoras - 6
[1.9.4] Inventory Panel Suffers Severe Delay in Large Storage Networks
#3421 opened by praetoras - 1
[Suggestion] 1.9.4 Refined Storage Cables for enderio
#3422 opened by Exanadu - 4
[Suggestion] EU <> RF power converter
#3423 opened by C0rn3j - 1
[Suggestion] Can you make a range weapon
#3424 opened by hns101 - 1
Removing Mekanism cable crashes server.
#3425 opened by coleweinman - 0
[ Suggestion ] 1.9.4 Ender IO Advanced Storage
#3426 opened by praetoras - 3
[Suggestion] 1.9.4: Add a "Creative Aversion Obelisk" that works for the entire server" (For dev usage)
#3427 opened by starg09 - 5
[1.9.4] - Ticking block entity
#3428 opened by Lazarix - 7
Some Errors with RedstoneConduitNetwork
#3429 opened by KidsDontPlay - 3
[Suggestion] Advanced Generators Syngas as fuel for Combustion Generator
#3430 opened by Dragnier - 1
Crash on load when sing HARD recipes
#3431 opened by KennyBurch - 1
[1.9.4] Crash Distillation Furnace + EnderIO Tanks
#3432 opened by JCMais