- 0
[1.16.5] Placing Engineer's Workbench deletes an adjecent block
#5211 opened by MegaIng - 2
[1.16.5] Minor Power Tool hiccups
#5212 opened by DragonAce765 - 4
[1.16] The heck is "solder"?
#5191 opened by electrovoyage - 1
Engineer's Manual doesn't resize according to the GUI scale
#5192 opened by devBob027 - 1
[1.16]Engineer's toolbox dupe
#5193 opened by SpoilersMC - 4
[1.18.1] Can't open Engineer's Manual.
#5194 opened by JtheV - 2
[1.18.1] Electrodynamics compat issue with connectors
#5195 opened by SheriffEllis - 3
[Sugesstion] Choose what colors are connected by the redstone interface connector
#5196 opened by devBob027 - 4
[1.16.5] Forming squeezer crashed singleplayer
#5197 opened by theArhar - 2
#5198 opened by WiRrZz - 1
1.18.1 crach
#5199 opened by mr-cat-s - 6
[1.12.2] Crash When Viewing Block in AE2 Terminal Search
#5200 opened by ByThePowerOfScience - 3
[1.12.2] Multiblock Issues When Breaking - Metal Press Conveyors and Assembler Unbreakable Iron Slab
#5201 opened by ByThePowerOfScience - 1
1.17.1 Crash
#5202 opened by XxneonisawesomexX - 3
1.16.5 Dupe using create.
#5203 opened by BazZziliuS - 1
[1.16.5] Random crash during startup
#5204 opened by Magi1053 - 1
Minor inconsistency in Advancements [1.18.1]
#5205 opened by the-maxine-machine - 0
1.16.5 feature recomendations, Project Red Intigration wtih colored connectors and the cables
#5206 opened by Shibva - 2
[1.18] Chemthrower, Mining Drill and Buzzsaw have flipped faces when held in left hand
#5207 opened by TeamSpen210 - 0
[1.18.1] Alloy Kiln Bronze Recipe Malfunction
#5210 opened by Silvrus - 0
[1.18.1-7.1.1-pre.45] Incorrect Covered Extracting Conveyor Hitbox
#5213 opened by DeadlySwede - 2
1.16.5 World Gen Stallout
#5214 opened by EightBlade - 0
[1.18.1] On game load the logic unit does not update signal using a NOT gate
#5216 opened by Zahkriiven - 0
[1.16.5] dupe items with Engineer's Crafting Table
#5217 opened by Sleepwalkerx - 2
[1.18.1] Turrets always look north
#5218 opened by Zahkriiven - 1
[1.18.1] Pipes Disconnecting when unloading Chunks
#5219 opened by TheCavemanOfficial - 0
[1.18.1] Crash when machines interact with the Endertanks mod
#5220 opened by EvergreenSystems - 1
[1.18.1] IE raw ores are missing #forge:raw_materials tags
#5221 opened by TJT01 - 1
[FEATURE] Add External Heater support for Iron Furnaces
#5226 opened by booskahmed - 2
[1.18.1] Structural Arm Placement Issues
#5222 opened by Alex33212 - 0
Making the single block mode of the steel drill a toggle would add QoL
#5223 opened by DarkwingGames - 0
Server Crash on startup, on occasion not everytime
#5225 opened by Ashley123477 - 2
IE crashlog
#5227 opened by mlg2020 - 0
Duplication bug and crash when using Immersive Engineering Hammer on Create Belt
#5228 opened by AHL67 - 2
[Suggestion] high tension power lines
#5229 opened by pigs-fly - 3
Immersive engineering Toolbox losing inventory
#5230 opened by aaronhowser1 - 1
[1.12.2] Arc Furnace comparator signal for the electrodes does not update properly
#5231 opened by Sheenus - 1
[1.16.5] Silo Comparator/Redstone Probe interactions
#5232 opened by kingchills - 1
[1.18.1] Cloche doesn't accept water from pipe or bucket [SOLVED]
#5238 opened by brickviking - 1
[Suggestion] Redstone filter, only pass signal if above user specified threshold
#5237 opened by toastonrye - 1
Feedthrough Insulators Transparent
#5233 opened by HenryMaxler - 1
1.12.2 invalid Java Runtime configuration.
#5234 opened by poter1402 - 2
Inventory Sorter with Engineer's Toolbox Voids Items
#5235 opened by HenryMaxler - 0
[1.18.1] Bucket Wheel Texture Issue.
#5236 opened by LogicEngineer - 0
Text splitter can produce incorrect empty lines
#5239 opened by malte0811 - 2
[1.18.1] Invisible blocks
#5240 opened by auracreepey - 1
please help me fix my world [1.16.5]
#5241 opened by GondorsbaneJr - 1
1.18.2 Crash when loading New World/World
#5242 opened by Daihok41 - 1
Transformers not placing visually on wooden posts
#5243 opened by alexstratford - 5
Minecolonies incompatibility
#5244 opened by emanuele246gi