- 4
switch reauth to oauth
#878 opened by Qualc1 - 0
[Mod Suggestion] Tool Belt
#874 opened by tyreforhyred - 2
Glowstone Doped Silicon Boule questbook stating wrong coil
#884 opened by Alrightsc - 1
Missing recipes for coloring/locking specifically Reinforced Satchels
#879 opened by tyreforhyred - 0
T8 Micro Miner quest missing dependencies
#880 opened by Exaxxion - 3
Crafting a zombie soul vial fails with AE2 auto crafting
#882 opened by bvierra - 3
#883 opened by Slientmoonlight - 3
Switch from custom Omnicoins to GTCE credits
#885 opened by CleanCutBloons - 8
Draconic Evolution Generator not autocraftable in mechnical crafter
#888 opened by heggico - 2
Incorrect Casing Recipe
#892 opened by manavdub - 6
Please delete this issue.
#893 opened by AnimeFemboys - 2
#894 opened by AnimeFemboys - 2
Quest titles, descriptions, and tips not showing
#896 opened by AnimeFemboys - 1
[Suggestion] Add descriptions for obtaining materials to their quests in the End Game tab
#897 opened by tracer4b - 3
AE Interface-storage bus not autocrafting consistently
#898 opened by mnsnownutt - 2
Question about Forestry removal
#899 opened by CleanCutBloons - 2
[Enhancement] Add Assembling Machine Recipes for Molds
#900 opened by IntegerLimit - 3
Hostile mobs on peaceful mode
#904 opened by Pinos78 - 2
Ore dictionary filter doesn't filter when attached to ME storage bus.
#902 opened by robertmbaker - 1
Solidified argon being recognized as liquid/gaseous argon?
#903 opened by mnsnownutt - 1
add circuit tier in disc
#905 opened by sinandds - 3
Repeated crash with specific cover setup
#906 opened by Tictim - 0
Unused XU2 upgrades
#911 opened by Exaxxion - 6
pure fluix to fluix dust
#907 opened by sinandds - 1
wireless terminal unlimited range bug
#908 opened by sinandds - 5
The June 14 release had a serious graphics problem
#909 opened by shengcaixing - 4
Draconic information tablet does not open
#913 opened by mnsnownutt - 3
Repeated crash of server
#915 opened by PrincedelaLune - 2
AE2 request lag
#916 opened by WhiteVoid961 - 0
Recipe Conflict - Steel Gear Box and Solid Steel Machine Casing
#917 opened by Preladon - 5
Centrifuge is not properly applying base product chance for ashes recipe
#918 opened by SeuJurupenga - 2
Quest book acting up
#922 opened by SomeRandomGuy787 - 4
Quest book genesis error
#923 opened by jimmybud88 - 4
EV Electrolyzer name out of sequence
#919 opened by SilencedGoose - 0
Add a quest for the Configuration Interface Terminal
#920 opened by Exaxxion - 1
Nomifactory CEu (hard) 1.4 certus quartz+charger quest uncompletable
#924 opened by antrobot1234 - 5
[Mod Suggestion] Logistics Pipes/Logistics Bridge
#928 opened by ShneekeyTheLost - 2
Applied Energistics messes with JEI positioning, i guess this is an AE problem tho??
#925 opened by TheRo-bot - 1
[Suggestion] Add mixer recipies for a alloys.
#926 opened by RyabDev - 2
Two Receipes I cannot get to work
#927 opened by fallenhunter1 - 1
Draconium Lens showing as Amethyst Lens
#934 opened by Edward-Pratt - 0
Add quests for petrochem cracking products needed in production chains
#937 opened by fishsicles - 1
How is 1.3 going?
#929 opened by AnzhiZhang - 2
Worley's Caves unintended generation
#930 opened by wsetzer - 4
Pyrite Dust Unintentionally Iron Rich
#931 opened by CactusAcolyte - 3
Steam dynamo not working properly
#938 opened by theocha-dev - 0
Guidance computer doesn't allow us to zoom out of earth
#939 opened by SomeRandomGuy787 - 2
Nightly builds don't appear to be updating
#940 opened by Preladon - 1
infinite item glitch in (local) multi player
#942 opened by Jaymbo - 1
Bountiful causes minecraft launcher v.2.3.481-1.1.41 to crash
#943 opened by randomguy97