- 2
About partial redraw support for drawing tablets
#343 opened by smalltotal - 3
ActionBars - Make clear that mount list is scrollable
#273 opened by tjakopan - 1
Nameplates - Castbar text design
#274 opened by veex-ua - 1
Nameplates - Targeted nameplate always on top
#276 opened by veex-ua - 4
Nameplates - Bar visibility settings not applied
#281 opened by SirLagardere - 2
Player / enemy info frame error
#282 opened by TWEEKARNYCM - 1
Nameplates - Guild members with non-guild tag aren't colored with guild color
#279 opened by adamjedlicka - 3
Nameplates - Target on mouse-over
#285 opened by EnteDuck - 9
Nameplates - Show certain buff/debuff & dispell-able (de)buff icons
#286 opened by GreatTeacherOni - 1
Option to turn off psi points
#284 opened by adyomin - 3
Nameplates - Anti-heal debuff indicator
#289 opened by adamjedlicka - 1
ResourceBars - Merge mental overflow with normal resouce bar
#291 opened by adamjedlicka - 0
UnitFrames - Square IA icon as an option
#290 opened by adamjedlicka - 1
API 13
#292 opened by Zod- - 4
Cant save changes after RMT, reinstall doesnt work
#300 opened by freakyfly - 1
Movers - scope bug
#295 opened by Ethaw - 5
ActionBars - bug with show option
#294 opened by Ethaw - 1
Nameplates - Overlapping Chat
#301 opened by firegore - 0
UnitFrames - Healing absorb indicator
#302 opened by veex-ua - 6
how to hide or remove elements?
#303 opened by Arrow-Li - 5
Size of the Castbar Duration / Amount (on Tapcast Spells)
#304 opened by rubyi - 8
Fast SkillSwitch
#307 opened by GedasFX - 1
Missing Libs in v0.58a release
#309 opened by veex-ua - 19
ForgeUI broken PTR
#310 opened by Zeffuro - 2
Manual Installation issues - Patch 1.6.1
#311 opened by falt4rm - 2
ResourceBars - Esper issue with mental overflow
#312 opened by Ethaw - 2
ResourceBars - Suggestion (additional thresholds)
#313 opened by Ethaw - 2
mouseover tooltips gone since update?
#315 opened by rubyi - 1
Profiles not working after the new update
#314 opened by BabylonYOP - 2
Unit Frames - /focus
#321 opened by al2525 - 0
FloatText - more options
#322 opened by Ethaw - 1
Currency / Tokens List Too short
#320 opened by Jayshua83 - 0
Nameplates - Target indicator bugged
#326 opened by adamjedlicka - 1
Nameplates - display issue
#323 opened by Ethaw - 8
Nameplates - display issue with npc hostile
#324 opened by Ethaw - 0
Inventory - Salvage filter
#325 opened by adamjedlicka - 1
housing bar not visible
#327 opened by towerdog - 1
Add to interface menu list
#328 opened by Zod- - 2
ForgeUI Not Saving Profile
#330 opened by AfroPantha - 3
Issue extracting latest release
#329 opened by KOVIKO - 2
API 15 Support
#331 opened by BotJohn - 1
Not supporting API 15
#333 opened by Apteryxon - 0
Nameplates: display issue with neutral npc
#334 opened by Ethaw - 1
Can you please update the addon on Curse? It's currently showing the older versions
#336 opened by Kaukov - 1
FloatText - Initialization Error
#337 opened by nadszeg - 2
Inventory: Auto open
#338 opened by Brentalz - 3
Interface Menu Bug
#339 opened by Brentalz - 2
HUD scale
#340 opened by Brentalz - 1
Gadget switching
#341 opened by Brentalz - 1
Question: Is this still active/maintained?
#342 opened by NanoAi