World of Warcraft
13,250 Mods
Auto Dialog Sounds
576 DownloadsAutomatically enable and disable dialog sounds depending on the instance your character is in.
Look at my horse!
566 DownloadsMy horse is amazing.
556 DownloadsPermanently mute sounds by ID
542 DownloadsPlays famous Eric Cartman line upon heroism, bloodlust, or time warp.
541 DownloadsAdds more sounds to Shared Media Lib for use in addons like Weak Auras.
BAA Current Content [FR]
539 DownloadsThis addon is a voice pack for Boss Ability Announcement addon.
Warcraft Custom Music
537 DownloadsChanges Music and Ambient Sound
Melteoc's Sound Pack
533 DownloadsGame Soundbytes
532 DownloadsModule to add the Uncorrupted Ashbringer to KillThemAll
530 DownloadsPlays Wildstar's Holocrypt when you release.
LFG Silencer
524 DownloadsRemoves the LFG Tool "ping" sound when there are new applicants to your group.
Rand-jahm (Random Bronjahm Sounds)
520 DownloadsThe random sounds of Bronjahm, at your command, man.
519 DownloadsFel Reaver sound upon entering Warspear
515 DownloadsTaunterino
508 DownloadsAdditional sounds for LibSharedMedia
507 DownloadsPlays a sound after a spell or melee damage critical, or a healing spell critical.
SharedMedia_Draftmonk Season 2
507 DownloadsThis contains over 150 new custom made sounds and my own font for use within the game.
Force - Amirdrassil Soundpack
505 DownloadsCustom sound pack for the Force Raid Callout weakaura
504 DownloadsWarns whenever health gets low
Your average Fatescribe pull
504 DownloadsPlays appropriate music at appropriate times