World of Warcraft
13,253 Mods
DBM TU:RUL MusicPack
13.9k DownloadsDBM TU:RUL Music Pack
13.9k DownloadsAlerts group when Mass Resurrection is detected with counts of the dead and a list of players with the debuff
13.7k DownloadsReminds you if your flask/elixir and/or Augmentation Rune and/orfood buff is about to expire or has expired
13.7k DownloadsAssistance with tank switching
We Don't Wipe - Frost Deathknight
13.5k DownloadsWe Don't Wipe - Frost Deathknight
Character Info Durability
13.5k DownloadsShows the minimum durability of equipped items on the stats frame.
EPGP SimpleLoot
13.4k DownloadsEPGP SimpleLoot
Raid Currency Reminder
13.4k DownloadsYou won't forget to buy bonus roll items!
Oak Interrupts Display
13.4k DownloadsLDB display for Oak Interrupts Broker
FS Cooldowns
13.3k DownloadsRaid cooldowns tracker
13.3k DownloadsTells the user who killed Mr. Bigglesworth and plays ominous thunder
Life Monitor
13.2k DownloadsWarns when low on health and mana
13.1k DownloadsDisplays tank health pool, healer and group health/mana pools, totems and healer in range in a moveable frame
13.1k DownloadsSRA
DBM Voicepack Hamseoro Legion (Korean)
13.1k DownloadsDBM Voice Pack featuring Hamseoro
Healing Tracker
12.9k DownloadsAnalyzes deep healing combat logs. Tracks mana usage and aidful healing.
DBM Voicepack DDUMMI (뜌미)
12.7k DownloadsDBM Voicepack DDUMMI
For the Alliance! - enUS
12.5k DownloadsPlays the Anduins yell of "For the Alliance!" from the BfA trailer when cast Bloodlust kinda spells
12.5k DownloadsMekkatorque Helper for DreamTeam-Goldrinn
EncounterJournal Spell Info
12.4k DownloadsAdd on Encounter Journal tooltips for spells'ids, and an icon for Private Auras