World of Warcraft
13,243 Mods
Skada Storage (Revisited)
2.3k DownloadsStores Skada Revisited segments.
Brackenspore Flamethrower Assist
2.3k DownloadsBrackenspore Flamethrower Assist
2.2k DownloadsHC's Guild Encounter Mods, And Utilities
2.2k DownloadsPlaces a small /say notification when your character used taunt.
2.2k DownloadsFlashes screen in blue when character's name is seen in a raid warning.
BigWigs Voice - Chinese voicepack (SatouYumei)
2.2k Downloads来自"再见一次海德林"(SatouYumei)的BW中文语音包.Bigwigs Voice - Chinese Voicepack (SatouYumei) is a Chinese female voice pack designed for the BigWigs Bossmods addon.
2.2k DownloadsProvides the ability for the raid leader to remove the "Release Spirit" button.
Gyro: Get Your Raid On!
2.2k DownloadsGyro: Get Your Raid On!
2.2k DownloadsThis addon automatically unequip (swap) your weapons when bosses like Lady mind controls you.
2.1k DownloadsBeep sound that notifies player the right time to move during Infernal Tempest
For the Horde! - zhCN
2.1k DownloadsPlays Sylvanas Windrunner yell of "为了部落!" from the BfA trailer
Skada Improvement (Revisited)
2.1k DownloadsSaves your character boss fights data to track your improvement.
2.1k DownloadsMulti-Layer Phase Bar for Boss Encounters
Classic Raid Assist Ziggurat
2.1k DownloadsРазвитие аддона Classic Raid Assist
2.1k DownloadsAutomatically start combat logging when entering a Wotlk raid
2.1k DownloadsAutomatically sets your role in parties or raids.
2.1k DownloadsInforms party members about the lore and/or strategies of dungeon bosses.
2.1k DownloadsMusic from Ace Attorney for DBM Event Sounds
Khadgar's Junk Drawer
2.1k DownloadsI found Khadgar's old junk drawer! He forgot all about it and these lovely features are now mine!
DBM Voicepack Vulpera Male
2.1k DownloadsVulpera Male Voicepack for DBM