World of Warcraft
13,503 Mods
9.7k DownloadsScale the UI to almost any scale
Jags Spell Alert Switch
9.7k DownloadsEnables/Disables Spell Alerts Per Character
9.5k DownloadsA light-weight addon showing a graphical frame for tracking the mage buff Incanter's Flow
Spell Thief
9.4k DownloadsSpell Steal Monitor
Slam Alert Classic (WoTLKC)
9.2k DownloadsAlert for Bloodsurge procs - Ports the old "Slam Alert" addon to Classic
Buff Buddy
9.1k DownloadsCustomize your player buff and debuff display
SpellAlert Timer
9k DownloadsDuration bars for your spell alerts
Dispell Alert
8.9k DownloadsInforms you of the penalties you are suffering
Go Time
8.9k DownloadsCall out on tables, soulwell, lust/heroism and more!
8.8k DownloadsBigBrainTanking is an addon that is aimed to assist you with tanking chores.
For the Alliance! - esES
8.7k DownloadsPlays the Anduins yell of "¡Por la Alianza!" from the BfA trailer when cast Bloodlust kinda spells
8.6k DownloadsRotations
Nanika Pally Blessings
8.5k DownloadsPaladin blessings made easier inspired by Pally Power.
8.4k DownloadsShows a frame to track your Pyrite debuff on Flame Leviathan and it's trash. Completely based on MalygosStacks by Nebula.
8.4k DownloadsAn addon that removes the redness from your action bars.
For the Alliance! - zhCN
8.3k DownloadsPlays the Anduins yell of “为了联盟!” from the BfA trailer when cast Bloodlust kinda spells
8.3k DownloadsEssential plugins for creating team dungeons
For Azeroth! - esES
8.2k DownloadsPlays the Varians yell "For Azeroth" from the Legion trailer
Acherus Wotlk Classic
8.1k DownloadsSimple and clean Death Knight displays : DK frame , runes , proc , runic power
8.1k DownloadsChecks your buffs are ready!