World of Warcraft
13,260 Mods
7.1k DownloadsWrath Enhance Shaman UI stuff
For Azeroth! - zhCN
7.1k DownloadsPlays the Varians yell "For Azeroth" from the Legion trailer
Come And Get It
7.1k DownloadsAlerts party/raid/bg to feasts/ cauldrons/battlerezzes/ more and in pvp to other side's stuff
Dragonriding Glider
7.1k DownloadsCompact Dragonriding/Dynamic Flight Vigor Bar Replacement AddOn with smooth Animations and speed display.
AzerPUG's Preparation CheckList
6.9k DownloadsCheckList Module for AzerPUG-InstanceUtility.
6.9k DownloadsMonitor buffs, debuffs, spell cooldowns, equipment cooldowns, and more
Kallye Raid Frames (Bigger Debuffs, Highlight Low HP / Revert HP, ...)
6.8k DownloadsHighlight Raid Frames on low health / Reverted health option (lower health = bigger bar). Buffs & Debuffs resizables and limit increased
6.7k DownloadsAn external edit for ElvUI that adds a lot of new and exclusive features.
6.6k DownloadsAutomatically removes holiday style buffs
For the Horde! - esES
6.5k DownloadsPlays Sylvanas Windrunner yell of "¡Por la Horda!" from the BfA trailer
Personal Buff
6.5k DownloadsShow buff on personal bar
6.5k DownloadsAddon use voice to say cooldown and cast in a raid
6.4k DownloadsAdd Buff or Debuff Icon Bar to Plexus
6.3k DownloadsSpell overlay customization and spell state HUD.
6.3k DownloadsDisplays what Diminishing Return category a spell falls under.
6.2k DownloadsAdds the name of the player who cast a buff or debuff to its tooltip.
6k DownloadsYour Herald lets your group know when food, cauldrons, or portals are being set out.
ShammyShields Anchor
6k DownloadsAutomatically anchors ShammyShields to Healbot
For Azeroth! - ruRU
5.9k DownloadsPlays the Varians yell "For Azeroth" from the Legion trailer
Koko Spell Auras
5.9k DownloadsKoko SpellOverlays allows you to modify the default blizzard spelloverlays (power auras) in a limited fashion