- 6
Spell tooltips don't always show the correct tooltip
#272 opened by raysmith59 - 2
Button hotkey priority is always active when grid is showing
#273 opened by raysmith59 - 2
Button icons aren't changing dynamically based on target conditions
#274 opened by raysmith59 - 3
Enhancement - Save bars on change of spec/form/stealth/etc
#275 opened by raysmith59 - 24
Extra Action Button staying visible
#278 opened by Trajin - 6
Extra action button last boss WM
#277 opened by Addonman - 0
Request: Add Indoor/Outdoor added to Hide state
#280 opened by Spydawg - 1
Request: Add Macros into flyout
#279 opened by Spydawg - 16
Dark iron paladin mount not dragging to action bar
#281 opened by Trajin - 5
Call Pet flyout not opening recently; Pet Utility flyout working correctly
#282 opened by raysmith59 - 4
Can't drag items to the bar to show count
#283 opened by raysmith59 - 0
Action bars revert drag-and-dropped spells after changing bar state.
#284 opened by tigerAspect - 5
Bars don't stay in drag mode consistently when dragging abilities from the spell book or between buttons
#287 opened by raysmith59 - 0
Alpha up not working
#288 opened by ahd-developer - 3
Additional Actionbar keybind issue
#285 opened by gylva - 6
Dragging abilities from spellbook pulls the wrong level skill
#286 opened by gylva - 8
Request: Permit MiddleButton in Macros
#289 opened by ifyouwouldplease - 3
Travel Form button is no longer working
#290 opened by raysmith59 - 5
Keybind and Spellstacks behind the Button
#291 opened by Solithe - 16
Action Bars
#292 opened by PapaBear93 - 1
Solar Empowerment isn't showing the activation border on the Solar Wrath button
#293 opened by raysmith59 - 1
Override / Possess / Vehicle bars won't show up unless ALL visibility options are checked.
#294 opened by Sylar-Hao - 4
Flickering Button Using Cooldown Transparency
#295 opened by Hardbunny - 3
Pet Bar Keybinds do not work until reload
#296 opened by BillWiegert - 1
Keybind priority broke in latest version
#297 opened by raysmith59 - 6
Resto Shaman : Healing Surge / Cast bar issues
#298 opened by teh-fixerer - 1
Lua error when trying to delete bar
#299 opened by teh-fixerer - 3
can't drag pet bar spells onto pet bar
#300 opened by teh-fixerer - 0
Hunter - issue dragging individual pet from spell book onto action bar
#301 opened by teh-fixerer - 0
Newly tamed hunter pet doesn't show up in the call pet drop-down
#302 opened by raysmith59 - 3
No bars, error.
#303 opened by 40P3 - 7
Returning player with a question
#304 opened by Sifuedition - 2
Battle Pet in Action bar summons a wrong pet ID of the same type
#305 opened by RickStrife - 2
Hello (hopefully) either creator of Neuron addon to WoW or someone who can help me.
#306 opened by Darkohl - 3
Please help with Neuron (addon) Issues
#307 opened by Darkohl - 3
Neuron Request 1. Unclamp Neuron Menu option
#308 opened by jlspeeddragon - 1
Neuron Request 2. Clamp bars, micro menu, bagbars, etc to screen.
#309 opened by jlspeeddragon - 3
Charges not showing
#310 opened by TruthNZ - 1
Latest release - Keybinds aren't showing on bars
#311 opened by raysmith59 - 17
Hidden grid shows when attempting to drag locked action buttons
#312 opened by raysmith59 - 3
Vehicle/Possess States Not Working
#313 opened by Pelargonia - 4
classic spell ranks
#314 opened by Trajin - 11
Masque integration breaking
#315 opened by bolte-io - 3
Macro Icon being a ?
#316 opened by bolte-io - 2
Icon fade with lack of power/expected range.
#317 opened by bolte-io - 1
Feature Request??
#318 opened by RhoiDath - 0
Charges not showing
#319 opened by TruthNZ - 4
[classic] Can't add heath potions to bars
#320 opened by Spydawg - 1
Hide bar when mounted?
#321 opened by Spydawg - 3
[classic] Error walking in to and out of instances.
#322 opened by Dwargh