World of Warcraft
13,250 Mods
580 DownloadsQuickstart for new Chars
579 DownloadsSuper lightweight addon to toggle party members names
ElvUI LootRollDetails
579 DownloadsShows infos about your loot rolls
Hide Quest
575 DownloadsHides quests in the interface
Lighter Blue Mana Bar
569 DownloadsMakes mana bar lighter color
567 DownloadsExternsion for nameplates providing info about threat
534 DownloadsA beautiful WOW UI package for all classes, with many useful functions such as aura watch, damage meter, etc.
Group Targets
533 DownloadsShow the targets of your group members, group members pets, and your pet.
529 DownloadsLarger debuffs and target, error frame hidden
523 DownloadsAddon for easier marking and CCing of groups of units
522 DownloadsAdd unit health to the default blizzard name plates.
Raid Targets
517 DownloadsDisplays who is targeting who. Great for PvP and Raiding.
Classic Queue Status Icon
515 DownloadsA more familiar LFG icon
EpicPlates (rebuild of flyPlateBuffs)
514 DownloadsAdds Buff/Debuffs icons w/ timers above the enemy nameplate. And lots of other settings to customize the nameplates and icons.
Click to Cast Tooltip
513 DownloadsAdds the click to cast spells and macros to the tooltip.
510 Downloadsshow your current status,UnitFrame setting ,simple Cvar setting helper and auto follow helper
481 DownloadsIndicates the number of people in range of the unit that will receive the raid/party heal
477 DownloadsHides playerframe when you have no target.
Banana Preference Wrath
475 DownloadsUI Simplification And Enhancement
472 DownloadsClearly highlight your currently selected unit frame.