World of Warcraft
13,784 Mods
Burning Crusade Soundtrack Reimagined
0 DownloadsAn alternate OST that replaces the Burning Crusade Soundtrack
Voice female,male Diablo&żeński głos z Diablo2 for MikScrollingBattleText addon
0 DownloadsChange sounds from MikScrollingBattleText addon to female voice from Diablo game
0 DownloadsPlay Pigdice in WoW
Silenced guns - But better
0 DownloadsSo the guns are silenced, but also a bit dumber.
DBM Voice Pack Mingss 밍슝숑
0 DownloadsA Korean famale voice Pack
0 DownloadsGet raid/guild gear info
0 DownloadsUpdate to auto carrot from WoW Classic for TBC
0 DownloadsHealing and party frame addon
0 DownloadsSays Yeet whenever you cast Shattering Throw
0 Downloadsshow information of instances for which the player has saved lockout data
Peaceful Sanctuary
0 DownloadsHides enemy nameplates while in a sanctuary.
0 DownloadsSmall window with Slam statistics
0 DownloadsA luminescent addon that speaks with a lisp.
0 DownloadsCleaning individual UI and simple custom addon
0 DownloadsWOWAccess is an add-on that grants more independence among blind and visually impaired players by providing audio queues and TTS speech.
Gwyth's Lunar Festival Quest Guide
0 DownloadsTracks quests for Lunar Festival
Shadow Vulnerability Debt
0 DownloadsShadow Vulerability "debt" tracker.
Venture Plan Continued
0 DownloadsMission table helper
0 DownloadsA unique graphical and minimalistic user interface with ElvUI at the core
Summon Random Mount
0 DownloadsSummonRandomMount