- 1
B1435 - Spam when walking on crops
#968 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
B1435 (blacklist issue with fire)
#967 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
WorldGuard 6.0 - Blacklist permissions broken and wrong ID blocking on buckets.
#966 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
Claiming infinite regions is possible due to integer overflow
#965 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
B1401 - conversion issue I believe.
#964 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
Enderpearl flag doesn't work
#963 opened by LadyCailinBot - 6
Fly mode toggle
#962 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
This issue is preventing me from teleporting to a location
#961 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
#960 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
Restrict edit commands to owned world guard
#959 opened by LadyCailinBot - 6
Polygonal selections allow unlimited claim volumes with /rg claim
#958 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
Improve region commands with better user friendliness
#957 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
Protect mods / unknown entities & blocks
#956 opened by LadyCailinBot - 10
Adding members = Error see console
#955 opened by LadyCailinBot - 8
Can't add or remove members or owners to existing regions anymore
#954 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
Save player names with their original casing in regions
#953 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
can't break item frams
#952 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
People can entry in "deny entry" region with a horse
#951 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
The MySQL region DB does not allow a user to be both a member and an owner of a region
#950 opened by LadyCailinBot - 9
Item frames are not protected
#949 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
Remove command not work when using mysql
#948 opened by LadyCailinBot - 4
Ability to create hopper minecarts when blocked.
#947 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
People able to break wood in regions with an axe
#946 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
Add per-world permissions for the dynamic region permissions
#945 opened by LadyCailinBot - 21
Can't do /region addowner
#944 opened by LadyCailinBot - 6
MySQL : could improve x100 speed quite easily
#943 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
Add permissions to control which states a flag can be set to
#942 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
anvil-break Flag
#941 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Building Bug
#940 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
blocked-cmds troubles
#939 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
Could not pass event PlayerTeleportEvent to WorldGuard v5.9
#877 opened by LadyCailinBot - 23
Missing data for region
#938 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
WorldGuard We can steal that he(it) it in in them item farme
#937 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
Region entry / exit messages overlap between seprate worlds
#936 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Blocked commands' argument blocks other commands with the same argument
#935 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Player move event not working (World configurations)
#933 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Feed flags don’t restore saturation
#932 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Item frames are no longer protected
#931 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
WorldGuard Report Security Vulnerability
#930 opened by LadyCailinBot - 11
Add a entry/exit flag that ignores teleporting
#929 opened by LadyCailinBot - 3
Enderpearl flag not working
#928 opened by LadyCailinBot - 6
Enhancement: bypass permission for regions as well
#927 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Block Silverfish configuration
#926 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
Regions randomly lose their members/owners
#925 opened by LadyCailinBot - 10
Max region claim per group doesn`t work
#924 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
AddMember Error
#923 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
Firecharges break minecarts even with ghast-fireball flag set to DENY?
#922 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
Lava → obsidan glitch still works for string
#921 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
Awful performance using MySQL
#920 opened by LadyCailinBot - 3
FLAG - Creeper-explosion -> Deny BUG Found
#919 opened by LadyCailinBot