- 3
Something Wacky with displayed predicted recipe times varying wildly in gui.
#109 opened by alfarelcynthesis - 4
Suggestion: ME Pattern priority
#110 opened by Shattered2909 - 0
Rendering Bug On Coloured Terminals on World Reload
#111 opened by alfarelcynthesis - 4
ME network incorrectly calculates and displays items
#112 opened by lLuffy-1PK - 0
Unable to transmit power from GTEU P2P downward.
#113 opened by tier940 - 0
White/Blacklisting ores in specific dimensions
#114 opened by ADragonROAR - 0
Ticking GridNode server crash
#115 opened by Seceroth - 0
Diamonds causing failed autocrafting
#116 opened by T3cube - 2
DankNull can not be extracted via terminal
#117 opened by Preta-Crowz - 0
[TC] Lava bucket's aspect is randomly changed and pauses autocrafting
#118 opened by Preta-Crowz - 2
Hi, I need mod support for JustEnoughCharacters
#119 opened by shengcaixing - 0
AE Charge not Accepting Oredict Items Through Automation
#120 opened by ghzdude - 1
Not working correctly with GTCEu tools
#122 opened by Xikaro - 1
Improvement cards disappearing in the network tool
#123 opened by Xikaro - 0
MAX button in pattern terminal
#124 opened by dtcameron - 2
Reward players respecting channels when `Channels` feature is disabled
#125 opened by slava110 - 0
missing items having their values swapped
#127 opened by sfcmgr - 2
OreDict Storage Bus not (!) regex not working as expected past v0.52.2
#135 opened by sfcmgr - 0
Flickering Multiplier buttons when changing search mode
#128 opened by ALongStringOfNumbers - 0
Quantum Entangloporter p2p bug
#131 opened by Gandalf360one - 1
JEI Monitor bug
#132 opened by dimon7147 - 1
Most recent version of this mod on curse forge is downloaded with .jpeg extension
#134 opened by MadProbe - 3
Add some extra blocks
#136 opened by subr72 - 0
Semi Planned or Proposed Features for PAE
#140 opened by YoungOnionMC - 1
Add missing items compatability with JEI
#139 opened by Nevrai - 4
Shift clicking the down arrow in the pattern terminal creates an encoded pattern with no recipe
#142 opened by Renno231 - 2
Engineering Processor can't be made in the Advanced Inscriber?
#143 opened by Handeril - 5
Multiblock Madness AE2 Booster card crash
#144 opened by DarksRoth - 7
Change craftingCalculationTimePerTick to ms or float
#145 opened by Preta-Crowz - 1
Security Terminal GUI messed up with JEI
#148 opened by WaitingIdly - 0
Using a Memory Card on P2Ps on a forbidden network deletes the P2Ps
#149 opened by WaitingIdly - 3
Fluid storage bus deleting tank inventory
#151 opened by CVAR83 - 2
a bug
#154 opened by yang-fu - 1
In modpack SoulsCraft don't worck correctly
#152 opened by andre40000k - 8
[Feature] Renaming interfaces
#153 opened by Xikaro - 4
Can ultra dense cable be ported from GTNewHorizons version of AE2 ?
#169 opened by Manuepolis23 - 2
Issue with patterns
#170 opened by LolBomer - 4
Ctrl + Click [+]
#155 opened by XeramHosting - 0
Fluid Cell partition failing
#156 opened by MadMedicineMan - 0
Issues about auto-pattern making with JEI.
#157 opened by YiRanMushroom - 1
Integration problems with AE2WT
#158 opened by YiRanMushroom - 2
in version v0.54.1, there is a crash with the ae2fc mod
#159 opened by Xikaro - 1
ME Controller colors not synchronized
#162 opened by mcailac - 0
The raw material quantity of me augmented coding terminal cannot be edited
#163 opened by yang-fu - 2
p2p may fail when entering the game, you need to reconnect the cable
#164 opened by yang-fu - 0
In ME Configuration Fluid Interface Terminal, not all Fluid Interface cells are displayed
#165 opened by Xikaro - 1
The mine code replacement function of the me augmented sample terminal is invalid
#167 opened by yang-fu - 1
Add ME Level Maintainer
#168 opened by LordKhaox123 - 5
multi-thread co-processors
#171 opened by YiRanMushroom - 4
Sometimes player cannot take out the items in the ME Drive
#172 opened by FnTlv