- 2
Train turntable and elevator
#3826 opened by AkariuTamokiy - 3
Display Link / Respawn Anchor
#3825 opened by DinnerBeef - 1
Create Blocks Change
#3824 opened by RainbowDwarf123 - 4
Schematic and Quill
#3823 opened by SAJI25 - 2
Create v0.5.0e incompatible with OptiFine in 1.19.2
#3821 opened by Monohen - 7
minecraft closed
#3820 opened by Roguethekiller - 2
when the minecraft mod with create and optifine crashes, the game crashes
#3819 opened by 4iken1337 - 1
Cogwheels and Pipes are Glitched
#3818 opened by MeryBence - 1
#3816 opened by ImAlexxCREATE - 9
Sounds are too loud!
#3815 opened by TheRealArchie - 0
Game crashes randomly
#3813 opened by Redzstonemaster - 3
Suggestion: Enchant Request - Belt Walker
#3812 opened by xaerorazor - 2
Server "freezes"
#3810 opened by CrowOfDionysia - 4
If a train with a player enters an unloaded chunk (due to the server not being fast enough), the player gets kicked off the train
#3809 opened by machineonamission - 0
Piston Elevators are broken since the steam ahead update
#3808 opened by Heisenberg2008 - 0
Game crash caused by Attribute Filter
#3807 opened by DragonFeyAni - 0
some question about the worldgen.v2 system
#3806 opened by michaelng1129 - 0
#3805 opened by d-rick - 1
Disappearance of various config displays on Create blocks
#3804 opened by wisheth - 0
[SUGGESTION] Rollercoaster Track
#3803 opened by neriidesu - 0
Redstone Sometimes not Updating Correctly When a Contraption Places Blocks
#3802 opened by stop-x13 - 10
#3801 opened by HappyPlaysFeet - 1
[1.18.2] Game crashes in specific area because of funnel
#3800 opened by mijospe - 1
Zinc ore not generatin in 1.18.2 server
#3799 opened by GAry0706123 - 1
Create mod blocks work incorrect while launching any of the mechanisms. MC 1.18.2 (server)
#3798 opened by gog282 - 0
some question about the worldgen.v2 system
#3797 opened by michaelng1129 - 5
Have train tracks be a 3D block
#3796 opened by LGN-Ytt - 1
[1.16.5] {Crossmod} If contraption has a block from the powah mod when made and is stopped powah block is voided along with it's inventory
#3795 opened by NicKnack819 - 0
Config for Potion Recipes
#3792 opened by Shadowdragon019 - 2
Trains: Exclude/Include Doors To Open
#3790 opened by roryyamm - 0
Villager Hand Crank
#3789 opened by DGtl3 - 0
Mouse Wheel Selection Is Unintuitive
#3788 opened by felixshiftellecon - 1
(1.18.2 | Create Version 0.5.0d | Flywheel 0.6.5) Startup Crash
#3787 opened by Lesley-Black-Velvet - 1
Game crash caused by Attribute Filter
#3786 opened by if-OFF - 0
[1.18] World Corruption when using World Edit to remove an area while a train is in the same area
#3785 opened by matteodev8 - 1
1.18.1 version for 0.5d
#3784 opened by AmbientSkys - 0
Magic cauldron
#3782 opened by RungeCC - 2
Feeding Chickens
#3780 opened by ZanderDS - 0
[CRASH]: Use a train with a portal (server) CPU usage start to increment and crash the server
#3779 opened by SrRapero720 - 0
crashing on moving blocks
#3778 opened by maximusfikus - 1
Remote block breaker
#3774 opened by RungeCC - 1
I can't load my world after updating
#3773 opened by CRJGoed - 3
Rotation speed controller doesn't work as expected
#3772 opened by rikzun - 5
Filter cause extreme lag with item vault
#3771 opened by gundami - 0
Add some sort of Central Control block for railways
#3770 opened by Redzstonemaster - 4
Game crashes when saving worlds
#3769 opened by Redzstonemaster - 1
Schematic saving on "Essential" multiplayer crashes host game
#3768 opened by Parcival791 - 7
Can't set BottomlessFluidMode
#3767 opened by PukoPotPie - 0
[BUG] Piston bug
#3766 opened by zyxkad - 2
Dedicated server weird bug world loading
#3765 opened by Proxwian