- 1
Mod fails to load on start-up crashing both client and server.
#3764 opened by ccessarr - 0
hu_HU translation
#3762 opened by RedstoneGyerek - 1
Allow more Fan Blowing recipe flexibility
#3761 opened by NatSquared - 0
I cant place perpendicular cogwells without a block to support it and vertical gearboxs dont transfer rotation to vertical shafts
#3760 opened by Zhainong - 1
Moving contraptions have a ghost block/rendering issue on a custom modpack server
#3759 opened by wardenplays - 1
Server crash (edit: singleplayer worlds crash too)
#3757 opened by RedstoneGyerek - 0
Sings on trains
#3756 opened by RedstoneGyerek - 2
Train not using Chisels & Bits blocks
#3755 opened by EFriseer - 1
Broken interaction of
#3754 opened by WefPok - 0
Two rope pulleys connected via shaft makes the other break through blocks
#3753 opened by postuur - 2
This Happens Whenever I Create A New World
#3752 opened by ThatBlueMango - 0
In CC:Tweaked, calling getItemDetail on a potato cannon crashes the server
#3751 opened by jf908 - 1
Mod interaction
#3750 opened by Sunekaer - 0
Optifine Shaders Block Rendering Issue
#3749 opened by Kyouyashi - 0
Curved train tracks and any girders under them cast no shadow in Complementary Shaders
#3748 opened by kurocat471 - 0
When right clicking, placing or destroying a part of a double chest my game crash
#3747 opened by giopera - 6
Contratpions lose items when stoped/disassembled
#3746 opened by Nobo100 - 2
Game crashing/wanting to enter safe mode
#3745 opened by marcikoHub - 0
Fluid valve isn't waterloggable
#3744 opened by AvallonAB - 1
My minecraft crash when using create
#3742 opened by TNTcontroller - 0
Item duping using mechanical crafters
#3741 opened by Ender-09 - 4
The textures of some Create blocks are just a solid color even without optifines
#3740 opened by StefBello - 1
Any older releases of create prevents the game from opening
#3738 opened by IchoTM - 5
when I put a block of this minecraft mod it always closes
#3737 opened by foxypiratecove37350 - 1
Use brass casings on other components/machines
#3736 opened by acubensgh - 1
when I put a block of this minecraft mod it always closes
#3735 opened by Gamer221100 - 0
Allow tracks to be placed via train schedule
#3734 opened by CanBoy67 - 0
Moving waterlogged blocks doesn't update surroundings.
#3733 opened by CzechHek - 0
Drill facing downwards doesn't start mining when contraption gets assembled.
#3732 opened by CzechHek - 0
Multiple people using the toolbox crashes the server
#3731 opened by kiwec - 0
Bulk Washing Time Does Not Update After Stacks Combine
#3730 opened by Riewest - 5
Schematic Cannon doesn't place Domum Ornamentum NBT data properly
#3729 opened by JustJinxed - 0
Gantry Shaft issue with Walls
#3728 opened by XhyRobtic - 1
the world wont load
#3726 opened by Kessel2233 - 1
button on glas door
#3725 opened by Shotgun995533 - 0
Mob Power generation
#3724 opened by p0pdr0p - 3
/kill @e kills super glue
#3723 opened by HighOutlook - 1
the blocks switched when placed
#3722 opened by philiar2 - 0
snow block at bottom of schematic causes extra snowy grass block to be added
#3720 opened by leedagee - 1
Mysterious crash in a congested area
#3719 opened by TheDoctor1977 - 0
#3718 opened by PANGOLINEYT - 1
Deployers are not working on server
#3717 opened by SteeperMold - 3
Change in Modrinth versioning breaks tools
#3716 opened by copygirl - 2
Train teleporting beside the speed
#3714 opened by Andresgr12 - 6
Recipes not showing up in JEI
#3712 opened by ElysiaSilly - 2
Train track bug
#3711 opened by l1ghtn1ng10 - 3
I dont find the furnace motor in my vertion of create
#3710 opened by hug400 - 1
[1.16.5-0.3.2g] Client crashes randomly.
#3709 opened by GoForceX - 0
[Question] (1.18.2) Is the extendo grip supposed to increase the range of attacks?
#3708 opened by StormDragon-64 - 1
Create crashes the game upon loading
#3707 opened by omarally