- 0
bug cranfting create 1.19.2
#3889 opened by jhonj23337 - 1
i reset the end dimension and this happened to the tracks
#3888 opened by imlazytomakeausernamehelpme - 4
Game crashes while loading.
#3886 opened by wanderingmage - 1
various suggestions
#3885 opened by robotminecraft - 1
Piglins cannot conduct trains safely in the overworld
#3884 opened by twilight-sparkle-irl - 11
If create used with Oculus, then crash appears
#3883 opened by TouhouRyujin - 2
Vehicles (cars and trucks)
#3881 opened by NightDust12 - 5
game crashes when breaking a chest
#3879 opened by AEther000 - 3
Illegal packet received
#3878 opened by domanhthang2110 - 0
texture problem
#3877 opened by Melihk8 - 0
Train track placement
#3876 opened by blk6768 - 1
[Crash] Mixin Failed on Launching in Dev Env
#3875 opened by Phoupraw - 3
Optifine Crash
#3874 opened by ThickBushes - 3
some deconstruction of items cause shtudown
#3873 opened by Absylicus - 0
No scroll wheel (AKA no scroll will)
#3872 opened by PliskintheSaltyFork - 3
[1.18.2][Heavy Mods] Create Recipes involving Custom Processing do not show in JEI/REI
#3869 opened by V2LenKagamine - 6
Client crashes when break a chest
#3868 opened by papillo12 - 1
Launching Minecraft Forge `1.19.2 43.1.32` with Create `0.5.0f` and any version of OptiFine
#3867 opened by Monohen - 1
problem with making create mod server
#3865 opened by alhimik12 - 2
very broken plese help
#3863 opened by Gamedev77908 - 1
Hand crank in spectator mode still works
#3862 opened by DinnerBeef - 1
Some lines are not displayed in the game
#3861 opened by luffypirat - 0
Client crashing on joining server
#3859 opened by nokosi1736 - 6
Pipes texture missing
#3858 opened by Valanxed - 1
0.5.0e fails to start
#3857 opened by Red-Ir-Mogician - 0
Mechanical arm forgets targets after being moved by mechanical piston
#3856 opened by PORTB - 1
Mystical Dagger from Forbidden Arcanus won't collect blood
#3855 opened by kristienne - 0
Steam engine contraption stops working if moved by piston
#3854 opened by Armikas - 0
prensa no funcional
#3853 opened by Twiiron - 0
Ars Nouveau potions are not detected automatically for Automated Brewing
#3852 opened by MuteTiefling - 4
Crash VirtualChunk cannot be cast to class LevelChunk
#3851 opened by UdoMorgenstern - 0
Loss of Processing result
#3850 opened by andr9528 - 1
Chisel & bits doesnt assemble
#3849 opened by Minecraftboerger - 1
Create 0.5.0f still crashes with Optifine installed
#3847 opened by unweeked - 0
Schematics using sculk sensors pasted in creative break the sensors.
#3846 opened by X66Herobrine66X - 3
Game crash when pondering
#3844 opened by TisJake - 2
i cant use create
#3843 opened by Zado12 - 19
Connecting lost, illegal packet received, terminating connection
#3842 opened by RuiRayZ - 4
the mod does not work with 1.19.2
#3840 opened by 4iken1337 - 1
Create has failed to load correctly
#3839 opened by BUBIX15 - 7
Create isn't working for the latest version of Forge
#3838 opened by Greg727 - 2
Mod loading has failed
#3837 opened by Obscaeris - 9
1.19 version has strange underwater issues
#3836 opened by traveldesign - 1
Cant open toolboxed 1.19.2 forge 43.1.28
#3835 opened by Thisguyneedshelp - 2
[1.18.2] World Clash of Windmills and Windmill Bearings
#3834 opened by karikusa - 0
game crash after update 1.19 from 1.18
#3833 opened by WES0925 - 6
Bad surface generation
#3832 opened by ReDeViLzGz - 3
Contraption may be abused to cause mass destruction
#3831 opened by Water-Moon - 1
Mod creator closes minecraft Completely
#3830 opened by MichaelGuttor - 4
Unable to load MC properly
#3827 opened by Ryantrum