- 0
Problems with redstone link
#4275 opened by yongcheng31 - 0
GitHub wiki is outdated and can't be updated by contributors
#4274 opened by ChristianLW - 1
translation issue
#4273 opened by Gab157Italy - 2
Filters on blocks such as brass tunnels not applying
#4272 opened by Yaxi-Zaxus - 6
Crash on startup
#4271 opened by Marcapus - 1
Chest goes crazy
#4270 opened by Vacationpancake - 0
Pipe (maybe other blocks from create too) having some kind of desync
#4269 opened by Fr0zka - 0
Schematic selection dropdown does not respect scroll sensitivity settings (may be linux specific)
#4268 opened by ranenvious - 1
Display link not working properly for train station summary
#4267 opened by papongun - 0
right click seats and toolboxes with glow ink sacs to make colors vibrant
#4266 opened by TheRealArchie - 3
#4265 opened by shadowkinggamers - 1
Harvester duplicates seeds instead of leaving plant until plant is ready for harvesting
#4264 opened by dirtbaghippy - 2
Rendering overlay
#4263 opened by CrashedCrash - 0
Millstone recipe on the Wiki is outdated
#4262 opened by RepeatGitHub - 3
Trains won't move when specific amount of players sitting in a seat
#4261 opened by zyxkad - 0
cannot remove sloped track
#4260 opened by Sargorious - 1
Trains will not assemble
#4259 opened by Heracc - 0
Useful Flywheel
#4258 opened by anonymoususer901 - 1
A Way to Generate Redstone Signal From Rotational Power
#4257 opened by anonymoususer901 - 9
Game Crashing when using a map
#4256 opened by mcheheyixiao - 1
add Composter Hopper functionality to Chutes
#4255 opened by TheRealArchie - 2
Textures won't show or block is invisible
#4254 opened by daxman1129 - 0
Game Crashing when trying to place a schematic
#4252 opened by Joh3BL - 2
Powered display link will still send updates if reading from a stockpile switch
#4251 opened by Willytor - 1
Crash upon changing config 1.18.2
#4250 opened by Yuiro14 - 1
Minecart contraptions heading west or east place controller rails backwards
#4248 opened by TheRealArchie - 1
I got game crashed while connecting to a multiplayer game
#4247 opened by Rorke76753 - 1
Create: Above and Beyond Won't Download On Curseforge or anything
#4246 opened by TinedThe2nd - 5
Help! Create Mod 0.5f and 0.5g crashing upon launch!
#4245 opened by TREGuy365 - 1
Minecraft 1.19.3 crashing on launch
#4244 opened by RoberDucky - 0
Schedules do not recognise stations.
#4243 opened by MyBedIsInAWall - 1
game crashing 1.16.5
#4242 opened by armoiredu44 - 4
World Crashing
#4240 opened by JackyF737 - 6
I suggest adding a compressed air engine
#4239 opened by timoha00980 - 2
The disappearance of the minecart at contraptions
#4237 opened by NideVice - 3
Deployer do not place sapplings on a minecraft serveur
#4236 opened by MATTHOGAME - 1
FIX chests
#4235 opened by sn0pp1 - 1
Create items do not interact with Farmers Delight stove or skillet
#4234 opened by Ogdread - 1
Downward facing Mechanical Saw should cut from belts that pass under it
#4233 opened by Cart3r1234 - 2
#4232 opened by blackvccat - 4
game crash when holding a map
#4231 opened by marcosuino - 1
#4230 opened by GyroPyroV2 - 0
Flying kick while some entities on a contraption
#4229 opened by kadirac - 1
Train Signals fail to remove themselves from track graph when broken
#4228 opened by techno-sam - 1
Game crashes when trying to open the game
#4227 opened by ASadDuck - 1
Add hitbox to any block entity
#4226 opened by VitaliyMubarakov - 6
Fluid handling causing progressively rising CPU usage
#4225 opened by DejaVuMan - 3
[Config Menu] Editing Server-Side-Common Config of Other Mods
#4224 opened by Peekofwar - 0
Maps and schematics
#4223 opened by blockninja124 - 1
Clockwork Bearing minute hand wrong default spot
#4222 opened by kacper-mush