- 3
Unique redstone identifiers for trains
#4221 opened by Chippit - 0
Jei recipe syncing 1.16.5
#4220 opened by Dryxen - 2
Tile entity rendering issue
#4219 opened by AlexDAM - 1
Train speed on curved slopes
#4218 opened by blockninja124 - 0
Train schedules get deleted if an auto schedule is set
#4217 opened by gman4161 - 1
Heavy Damage Attribute Filter not working
#4215 opened by Flemmli97 - 0
portable storge interface(psi) isn't working right on trains
#4214 opened by ChenHaoYang0829 - 3
All Portals, Regardless of Tied Dimension, Lead Trains to or from the Nether.
#4212 opened by CeleSymmetry - 0
Portal mod
#4211 opened by Baller3 - 1
Chest Bug
#4210 opened - 1
Chest and a few other models become bugged when mod is installed
#4209 opened by Trainboi - 1
Redstone Links & Sequenced Gearshifts not detecting Redstone
#4208 opened by CIockworkGhost - 3
No compatibility with Agricraft.
#4207 opened by Enderdraak - 2
Minecraft crashing with only create mod and optifine
#4206 opened by SpaceGame123 - 0
Adding washing copper as a way to age it
#4205 opened by shrad1994 - 5
Modpack Crashs in 1.19.2
#4204 opened by Roger45HD - 1
[1.18.2, Forge] minecraft:water tag used on all Create Fluids
#4203 opened by HonzaVinCZ - 2
[Suggestion] Add is_fire, is_soul_fire, is_water, is_lava block tags for Fans Crafting System
#4202 opened by kingkuys2123 - 2
Schematics does not save command block commands
#4201 opened by freerig - 3
Some ideas about Trains
#4200 opened by Mr-Octopus-2020 - 3
Stockpile switches don't work with Functional Storage drawers don't work even after 0.5.0g update
#4199 opened by FractalineHue - 1
Filters will not work with anything except a filter item
#4198 opened by Dragzn - 11
Instant Crash with Create
#4197 opened by JM4877 - 2
Game crash when minecraft is trying to load too many things at once
#4196 opened by amalpaa - 1
Random Unpredictable Crash
#4195 opened by ronondex2009 - 0
Rotate Mechanical Arm
#4194 opened by percyV13 - 1
Create 0.5.0g not compatible with optifine
#4193 opened by Hu08sen - 1
Crash with TConstruct
#4192 opened by Kibiandkimi - 0
Half of the train disappearing
#4191 opened by ItsGamingGo - 1
Chest crash
#4190 opened by dubme8 - 3
Game crash on opening new treasure map
#4189 opened by o0Yukikaze0o - 0
Game crash when I try to use schematic canons
#4187 opened by andrewmvk - 0
building with a windmill bugged
#4186 opened by piekario136567 - 1
Can't cast some stuff on foundry
#4185 opened by Crimso-nn - 2
Filters not displaying 2d items
#4184 opened by xaviergodbout - 1
unable to enter a vault bug
#4183 opened by Hallothere234 - 6
Chest bug
#4182 opened by Toppro8 - 2
Certain Tile Entities Textures/Models Getting Messed Up
#4181 opened by Pokefan360 - 1
Moving Contraptions Disappear After Reloading World
#4180 opened by UltrascatterRED - 0
Gems and Jewels compatability
#4179 opened by Lamponium - 0
Conductor hat recipe
#4178 opened by PhanT0MMaster - 1
[SUGGESTION] Add functionality to the Flywheel!
#4177 opened by Camawama - 1
Chest Rendering bug?
#4176 opened by Istoleyourforsekin - 4
Chest Rendering Bug In Latest Patch
#4175 opened by MikeTheBuddy - 2
Crash on Curios Head Slot set to Zero
#4174 opened by Talan67 - 2
1.18.2 unknown Error/client crash
#4173 opened by Orangejewce92 - 1
game crash when using the create mod schematics
#4172 opened by Willplayz112 - 0
mod fluids not working on fluid tank, item drain, etc.
#4171 opened by Nedas851 - 4
Unexpected crash when loading world
#4170 opened by TeknoStyle555 - 1
Filters displaying 2d items inside themselves
#4169 opened by delsabar