- 1
Gantry stops mid shaft, throws player when it starts back up (random)
#4168 opened by Barerock - 0
Stabilised parts of a contraption don't get picked up with a Wrench
#4167 opened by CzechHek - 0
Edge blocks of contraptions don't get updated when placed
#4166 opened by CzechHek - 4
Server crash when contaption picks itself up AGAIN
#4165 opened by luffypirat - 1
1.19.2 Crash on startup with personal modlsit
#4164 opened by HelloAnder - 0
NPE at TrackEdge.getLength()
#4163 opened by DiegoRutolo - 0
Train stations and trains
#4162 opened by Ilovecheesburgerz - 4
Serverside crash when trying to move a gantry carriage
#4160 opened by SirCatZ - 0
Create is crashing the game
#4159 opened by Binekrasik - 0
compatibility(sort of) suggestion for vanilla probably submitted in the wrong place
#4158 opened by ISGRain - 1
Mechanical crafters stuck in bugged state after rotating and placing blueprint in creative
#4157 opened by ChrisTCaldwell - 0
Suggestion: Click&drag scene rotation in Ponder
#4156 opened by chaosblad3 - 0
Pumps switch direction
#4155 opened by CapnCranch - 1
When i trying to break a mechanical block like gearbox or something else, minecraft crashes
#4154 opened by Sapog228 - 18
[1.19.2] Latest version of the mods crashes my game
#4153 opened by MasterTrollTNT - 0
Suggestion: Blaze Burner "Inventory"
#4152 opened by CTH999 - 0
Suggestion: Boiler Thermal Delay
#4151 opened by CTH999 - 1
Potato Cannon Ammo Bug
#4150 opened by LaGz4643 - 1
some Items not showing in filter of brass funnel
#4149 opened by rlw2000 - 0
Make filters take real items so that you can easily edit them
#4147 opened by ChristopherHaws - 1
Rendering error with moving contraptions (windmill)
#4146 opened by Barerock - 3
[1.19.2 - Forge - Create V0.5.0g] No "uWindowSize" & "uTime" which leads to a fatal error crash
#4145 opened by Jusey1 - 0
Create submods dont work anymore
#4144 opened by TheGamingNeko - 2
missing JEI recipes
#4143 opened by asdasdasadg - 3
Create sometimes crashes when pondering
#4142 opened by Warhamm2000 - 1
Create sometimes crashes when pondering
#4141 opened by Warhamm2000 - 1
0.5 1.19 all version crash
#4140 opened by hackingStrawberry - 0
Way to make zinc
#4139 opened by sallpuil - 4
0.5.0g cannot be loaded in 1.18.2 due to a dependancy on a version of Flywheel that isn't available
#4138 opened by brianfreud - 2
I found that Portable Storage Interface cannot send items between two entitied contraption
#4137 opened by QWXL - 1
Steam Engine Crashes Server when Placed on Fluid Tanks
#4136 opened by Pitstik - 2
Invisible scrollers
#4135 opened by GreenVVich - 0
World becomes corrupted when trying to pull a belt down as a contraption.
#4134 opened by kaasbaasa - 0
Explosion Proof Train Tracks
#4133 opened by 3nder5tar - 1
Compatibility with Dropz mod
#4132 opened by Barerock - 0
Ochrum in the Nether
#4131 opened by asdasdasadg - 0
Ponder Buttons have Non-Interactive Padding
#4130 opened by shartte - 2
Cant launch 1.19.2
#4129 opened by Ashwanik936 - 0
Crash with Adjustable Chain Gearshifts
#4128 opened by hchXmXDqXA - 1
Cant create a server with create mod
#4127 opened by Veyder137 - 1
Crash when I rotate the belt with tunnel
#4126 opened by cowdie - 0
Add the ability to view the contents of a filter on a brass funnel/tunnel when Engineer Goggles are equipped
#4125 opened by ChristopherHaws - 7
Bottle used to create potion bucket from Tinker's Construct mod
#4124 opened by BitBlitObviMormon - 0
create 0.5 crashes forge
#4123 opened by quaintlongjay - 10
Crash when viewing EnderStorage recipes
#4122 opened by Partonetrain - 3
can't join/load in world
#4121 opened by damicappex - 1
cant play on 1.19
#4120 opened by iertuijeaorjgrajhgaoje - 1
Belt dupe using the Crescent Hammer
#4119 opened by Leclowndu93150 - 2
AE2 1.19.2 Compatability Update
#4116 opened by Random-Cookie - 0
Display Link progress bar goes off the end of a Display Board
#4115 opened by brisingraerowing