- 1
Actors miss blocks when on a fast enough train
#6097 opened by cakeGit - 0
Ability to turn off diving helmet vision
#6098 opened by Zeldarraria - 7
Texture bug
#6099 opened by HiMikoHyuga - 3
#6100 opened by NaokiKing2 - 0
[1.20][Fabric]How can i make my mod(GrowableOres) compatible with create's machine.
#6101 opened by skniro - 1
the furnaces from Iron Furnaces are not working with the steam engine
#6102 opened by ubrie3 - 0
fake train bogey
#6103 opened by Paddy69 - 4
Radeon RX 6600 crashes the game
#6105 opened by awesomeguy126 - 2
Duplication bug using minecarts
#6106 opened by jadedgal - 0
Spout Issue with Instant Damage II Fluid and Cinderflour Interaction
#6107 opened by JensGr33n1 - 0
(1.18.2+) Differential Gearbox block.
#6108 opened by I2pRandom - 0
Mechanical power wrenches and Residence problems
#6109 opened by yuankun1 - 0
Hand Crank retains stress capacity after config change
#6094 opened by Epicificator - 6
Config Option to make rails indestructible
#6095 opened by burdoto - 1
Trapped chest bug
#6096 opened by Acat1234 - 2
[1.20.1] Unable to register more than one Fan Processing Type
#6111 opened by DakotaPride - 6
Create causes issues in a modpack for it
#6112 opened by GroovieSmoothie - 0
Wooden Bracket Wood Swap and Texture/Model Update (Like Waterwheels)
#6116 opened by IdrisQe - 0
Girder place feature doesnt always place girders correctly
#6113 opened by IThundxr - 0
Vertical Belt/Ghost belts
#6114 opened by IThundxr - 0
Sandpaper item rendering issue/non updating state when switching slots
#6115 opened by IThundxr - 0
Saw causes slabs to cull incorrectly
#6117 opened by IThundxr - 2
Contraptions do not produce footsteps
#6118 opened by IThundxr - 1
Server Crashes
#6120 opened by NicolasLasch - 13
Visual Bug with Mechanical Belts
#6121 opened by PinkLasagna03 - 0
Suggestion: compatibility with tiny redstone/ranged wireless redstone
#6122 opened by likeproblem - 2
Game Crashing When Ponder Anything
#6123 opened by MeuPa - 1
Fluid Spout Not Pouring
#6124 opened by LiamCatto - 1
The secondary contraption is experiencing a loss of mechanical bearings.
#6125 opened by Mousse233 - 0
### Describe the Bug
#6126 opened by henryyuyhy - 0
Smart observer doesn't detect backtanks
#6127 opened by Red-Parrot-MC - 2
No Mod Tab
#6128 opened by ErrorMinecraftPL - 2
How to deposit to funnel
#6129 opened by HelloKerem - 9
Sodium and Create (Fabric).
#6130 opened by Crafty1340 - 2
Crash due to Deployers?
#6131 opened by Aphrodite6969 - 1
java.lang.NullPointerException: Registry entry not present: create:copper_shingles
#6132 opened by jeffizmyname - 1
Allow vertical gearboxes to be crafted without crafting a normal gearbox
#6135 opened by Coderchris842 - 0
Ejectors dont launch minecarts far enough
#6133 opened by IThundxr - 0
Schematics dont support non latin characters in their names
#6134 opened by IThundxr - 9
Crashing due to Rendering Overlay
#6136 opened by SonicXFire1987 - 0
Wand of symmetry - will not mirror stripping wood nor mirror change of doors or trap doors.
#6137 opened by aylacullen - 0
[Crash] [1.19.2] [0.5.1.f] JEI Spout Category Crash
#6138 opened by BelgianDev - 1
Chunk loading stops
#6141 opened by RoeDear - 0
Player clipping through blocks
#6140 opened by MochiBingo - 2
Trains Disappearing When Assembled
#6142 opened by jdagaming - 0
Is there able to use Octree to optimise ContraptionCollider.getPotentiallyCollidedShapes?
#6143 opened by NattoCB - 16
low fps with optifine and create shaders
#6144 opened by Smeorkuk - 2
#6146 opened by MAXGAMING6788 - 5
The top of the double chest is black
#6147 opened by GlG-6 - 3
[1.18.2] Beacons below y=0 cannot turn chromatic compound into refined radiance
#6148 opened by cubebotfan