- 18
[1.10.2]Power monitor not properly resetting redstone
#3645 opened by maxhenkes - 1
Refined Storage Support
#3647 opened by TonRZN - 2
GT chainsaw with an EnderIO treefarm
#3648 opened by JasonMcRay - 2
1.10.2 - Electric Pump (Mekanism) will not send water via Fluid Conduit (Ender IO)
#3649 opened by viper2g1 - 0
its saying something about a conflict with the API??
#3650 opened by thorpey9490 - 1
Feature request: RandomThings compat
#3651 opened by NezcalSpindrake - 7
[Request] Item Panel JEI Integration Enhancement
#3652 opened by Utildayael - 2
Missing textures on Turkish OS language
#3653 opened by Battle-Bee - 1
[1.10.2 Suggestion] Microblocks support
#3654 opened by Discomanco - 0
crash on start
#3655 opened by Machex - 2
Powered Spawner spawning mobs, but they instantly disappear
#3659 opened by DilemmaMDB - 5
Inventory panel stops returning if a drawer is full of the item it tries to return and does not keep filling new drawer slots
#3660 opened by GAJinWoo - 0
Inhibitor Obelisk preventing teleportation *outside* of its range
#3661 opened by DilemmaMDB - 0
Crash with Mekanism's Mechanical Pipe and EIO's Dimensional Transceiver.
#3663 opened by utoc - 2
Latency When Placing Power Conduits
#3664 opened by Utildayael - 1
Crash on Start !!
#3665 opened by khaduy15 - 1
Corrupts world 1.7.10 Redstone Conduit
#3666 opened by allabovethis - 0
soul binder - Ender Resonator (1.7.10) + SpecialMobs
#3667 opened by Cronosus - 0
[1.10.2] Requested Power Support
#3658 opened by Morpheus1101 - 4
Suggestion : Allow Travel Anchor to function with Slab on top.
#3672 opened by Chad077 - 0
Staff of Travelling - sneak-rclick up through ceiling fails 1.7.10
#3673 opened by Chad077 - 2
1.10.2 - Reliquary's Tome of Alkahestry gets deleted in crafter
#3675 opened by P3pp3rF1y - 10
Painting with quite clear
#3668 opened by Dijkstra1-zz - 2
Alloy smelter not working
#3669 opened by Radi0activegosze - 1
Inventory Sorting bug: everything goes into 1 chest
#3670 opened by Falkan432 - 1
- 1
Inventory Checker Signal Always On
#3689 opened by dovahkiin4991 - 0
No whoosh when flying with elytra-upgraded dark chestplate
#3692 opened by Yowesephth - 0
Reservoir not taking in water
#3693 opened by wilsondgonzales - 1
[1.10.2] World Crash using Electrical Advantage Pump With EIO Pressurised Fluid Conduit
#3694 opened by Morpheus1101 - 4
Ceramics mod breaks JEI integration (due to bucket?)
#3677 opened by rigerc - 4
Suggestion: Solar upgrade should charge tools
#3678 opened by Plurp13 - 1
[1.10] Missing numConduitsPerRecipe config?
#3679 opened by rigerc - 4
#3680 opened by xaioai520 - 1
Stack Overflow Error: Ticking Block Entity (Stirling Generator)
#3681 opened by cattrfly - 1
[1.10.2] [] Painting a travel anchor as a sticky piston is a poor idea
#3682 opened by Alaberti - 2
[Request] Bundled cable support OpenComputers
#3684 opened by ShadowDrakken - 0
The Ender sword not using rf
#3685 opened by blacknight2u - 5
EnderIO/Travel Anchor Bugs
#3686 opened by dovahkiin4991 - 6
Location Printout Causing Crash
#3687 opened by dovahkiin4991 - 2
Advanced Item Filter for Bee keeping
#3688 opened by Valdee - 0
[1.10.2] Insulated Restone Conduit strong signal sync issue
#3697 opened by UnPure - 0
[1.10.2] Right clicking conduits uses the item in hand.
#3698 opened by UnPure - 3
Applied Energistics 2 isn't comaptible?
#3699 opened by Camospyro - 1
[The One Probe integration] Capacitor Bank multiblocks read as separate blocks
#3700 opened by TWJedi - 3
Bug with painted (cobblestone) slabs
#3701 opened by Unrepentant-Atheist - 0
Energy Conduits only power the farest machine
#3702 opened by ExDomino - 1
Ability to use redstone to control inputs.
#3703 opened - 2
EnderIO wiki expired?
#3695 opened by xchoo - 3
Can't disable Elytra on dark steel armor
#3696 opened by mrtomwolf