- 2
Add support to saplings for Forestry fermenter
#8 opened by ScottKillen - 2
Correct EMC (Equivalent Exchange) values for all items
#9 opened by ScottKillen - 0
Make Redwoods taller than firs
#10 opened by ScottKillen - 2
Config file is blank if mod has exception after initial install
#11 opened by ScottKillen - 1
Add new recipes
#12 opened by ScottKillen - 0
Smelting crash bug.
#13 opened by ScottKillen - 2
Tiny Cacti in Forested Hills
#17 opened - 1
Silk Touch picks up custom block in an indeterminate state.
#18 opened by ScottKillen - 0
Conversion of mod to support Minecraft 1.3
#19 opened by ScottKillen - 4
Provide options to control the size of biomes
#21 opened by ScottKillen - 1
Allow selection of biomes at world creation
#20 opened by ScottKillen - 6
Place biomes in a smarter way
#22 opened by ScottKillen - 2
Under-surface biome contents
#23 opened by keybounce - 0
Cattails using block item instead of item icon in inventory
#14 opened by ScottKillen - 4
Red Rock Bricks
#15 opened by 9ary - 26
Additional items and recipes
#16 opened by ScottKillen - 1
Compatibility with Tekkit?
#24 opened by Parker103 - 1
More options to control terrain gen
#26 opened by ScottKillen - 0
Tweak flora terrain gen
#27 opened by ScottKillen - 13
Naturally spawning melon patches
#25 opened by ScottKillen - 1
A new biome: SkyLand
#28 opened by TheExelot - 1
red bricks, red cobblestones.
#29 opened by zero00 - 0
Red Rock Brick recipe incorrect
#30 opened by ScottKillen - 16
Additional blocks
#31 opened by ScottKillen - 3
Sapling Drop Rate
#32 opened by maruchan - 4
Forestry hives don't seem to be spawning correctly
#33 opened by ScottKillen - 1
Forestry arboretum turns all custom saplings into brown autumn saplings
#34 opened by ScottKillen - 1
Bug in sapling harvests (not passing metadata)
#35 opened by ScottKillen - 0
Forestry - fix autumn saplings to grow only small variant on humus.
#38 opened by ScottKillen - 1
RedRock Stairs, Slabs
#39 opened by ScottKillen - 1
Investigate interaction with the Ebon mod
#41 opened by ScottKillen - 5
Want: Wasteland limited to biome in some worlds/dimensions, unrestricted in others
#42 opened by keybounce - 1
Red cobblestone: It's cobblestone, right?
#47 opened by keybounce - 0
Client not showing spread of wasteland
#43 opened by keybounce - 1
Cracked sand: Current tool is pick-axe; should it be shovel?
#44 opened by keybounce - 2
Wasteland: Cracked sand generates deep, not just surface
#45 opened by keybounce - 2
Cracked Sand decay sequence of sandstone is backward
#46 opened by ScottKillen - 0
Bug causes blockIDs to always be reassigned.
#48 opened by ScottKillen - 0
Cracked Sand growth should be restricted to the wasteland biome by default
#49 opened by ScottKillen - 82
Idea for Cracked Sand growth
#50 opened by keybounce - 3
Scott's Stewing Station
#51 opened by MrAndrew420 - 0
Fix update system
#53 opened by ScottKillen - 0
#54 opened by ScottKillen - 5
Update code to support Minecraft 1.3.2
#56 opened by ScottKillen - 14
New biome suggestion for version 3
#57 opened - 4
Add new 1.3 structures to appropriate biomes
#55 opened by ScottKillen - 7
Unusual request: "Vanilla" overworld, fancy ages
#59 opened by keybounce - 4
Expanding Colours?
#58 opened by AnonTheMouse - 1
Biome generation: Edging needed
#60 opened by keybounce - 29
New Mushroom Biome Suggestion
#61 opened by Shavahi