- 27
#62 opened by MrAndrew420 - 1
Compilation of development for EBXL/ Ideas
#63 opened by Parker103 - 41
Nether Features & Flora
#64 opened by Shavahi - 34
Bush Biome
#65 opened by at808080 - 1
Scott: Terrain/biome issues to look at
#66 opened by keybounce - 1
Grass grows under quicksand???
#67 opened by keybounce - 3
New Biome Suggestion
#70 opened by GnomesStalkChildren - 2
Merge Bunyan Mod
#69 opened by ScottKillen - 1
Simplify biome creation to allow JSON configuration
#72 opened by ScottKillen - 6
Add explicit Mystcraft integration
#73 opened by ScottKillen - 5
Forestry Mod integration
#71 opened by ScottKillen - 0
Rearrange texture files by child mod.
#74 opened by ScottKillen - 0
Write wiki entry for texture pack authors
#75 opened by ScottKillen - 72
Ocean Biomes
#76 opened by Annysia - 4
Changes sky rendering based on biome
#77 opened by ScottKillen - 2
Industrial Craft 2 Mod integration
#79 opened by mistaqur - 0
Forge's automatic blockID shifts cause conflicts between blocks in the same mod
#80 opened by ScottKillen - 1
- 1
Flowers appearing in the wrong biomes
#83 opened by ScottKillen - 0
Fir trees should grow in snowy rainforests
#84 opened by ScottKillen - 2
Add code to ignore null worlds
#85 opened by ScottKillen - 1
Delay id binding in World Generators to fix compatibility ID-Resolver
#86 opened by ScottKillen - 4
Buildcraft Integration
#88 opened by Nexcius - 1
Correct lighting for new slabs and stairs
#89 opened by ScottKillen - 21
Odd chunk generation
#91 opened by Theleruby - 0
Realign mod "layout"
#93 opened by ScottKillen - 1
Localize vanilla villages
#94 opened by ScottKillen - 17
Allow vanilla temples to be built in custom biomes
#95 opened by ScottKillen - 8
Thaumcraft 3 Integration
#96 opened by ScottKillen - 0
Buildcraft 3 Integration
#97 opened by ScottKillen - 2
RedPower 2 Integration
#98 opened by ScottKillen - 8
Mystcraft Integration
#99 opened by ScottKillen - 1
From Bunyan: Tree house building
#106 opened by ScottKillen - 5
From Bunyan: Add uses for saplings
#107 opened by ScottKillen - 13
From Bunyan: Paper Production
#108 opened by ScottKillen - 1
From Bunyan: Add log turner sound
#109 opened by ScottKillen - 9
From Bunyan: roots for trees
#110 opened by ScottKillen - 0
Redrock versions of MC 1.4 stone wall
#111 opened by ScottKillen - 8
Add compatibility for MC 1.4 flower pots
#112 opened by ScottKillen - 1
Support Minecraft 1.4 auto arranging stairs
#113 opened by ScottKillen - 1
Adjust Sapling hitbox per Minecraft 1.4
#114 opened by ScottKillen - 4
Add red rock & wood buttons
#115 opened by ScottKillen - 0
Per MC 1.4, add silver fish spawns to emerald bearing biomes
#116 opened by ScottKillen - 0
Server crash
#117 opened by ScottKillen - 0
From Bunyan: Saplings and/or groves for Legend Oaks
#100 opened by ScottKillen - 9
From Bunyan: New tree: FiberMisteria
#101 opened by ScottKillen - 2
From Bunyan: Colored wood products
#102 opened by ScottKillen - 30
From Bunyan: New Trees: Ironwood or Marblewood
#103 opened by ScottKillen - 4
From Bunyan: Add fallen trees to world gen
#104 opened by ScottKillen - 20
From Bunyan: Add bark harvesting and crafting
#105 opened by ScottKillen