- 4
1.16.5 Rail crash
#1011 opened by homsusy - 5
How do I install my add-on bag into the Immersive Railroad?
#1012 opened by homsusy - 0
No Blueprint book
#1013 opened by Dr-Abraxis - 0
#1014 opened by IsaacLiu2009 - 0
The clouds darken when IR with SEUS shader
#1015 opened by Scarange - 2
Track GUI cut off
#1016 opened by KadenBiel - 2
Inverse Frame Wheel Code
#1017 opened by Nathan-TheSteelMann - 3
Early game machines / basic progression
#1018 opened by cam72cam - 2
1.16.5 Forge | Railbed Glitching Because Of Optifine
#1019 opened by TachyonXCIX - 2
Create locomotive/stock/track permission system
#1020 opened by cam72cam - 1
The Trains controls are not making our job!
#1023 opened by TheBlackCatBR - 1
Compatibility with Serene Seasons mod
#1021 opened by Saladgaming - 26
Localisation crash [crash fixed, translations still funky]
#1022 opened by baysupercool - 2
Visual bug. Trains hang in the air.Minecraft (1.12.2)Mod version 1.9.0
#1024 opened by Dolboklim - 7
#1026 opened by Brausehirn - 0
Catenary Implementation Specifics
#1025 opened by andrewlalis - 3
I can't place the majority of the locomotives
#1030 opened by CrunchyNF - 1
Switches not working under 10deg
#1031 opened by LieutenantCatPaw - 0
In creative mode, rail-beds do not auto-replace non-full blocks like fences and slabs
#1027 opened by MidlifeHemi88 - 1
Hoses and fuel line connections when coupling to another rolling stock
#1028 opened by Bossk160 - 0
Fuel and auxiliary tender support for diesels
#1029 opened by Bossk160 - 10
Track placement; from 16 to 32
#1037 opened by Ash-0666 - 2
Rendering system breaks when viewing item_rail, game crashes when viewing its tooltip.
#1033 opened by Dunkmania101 - 1
model railroad switching not switching
#1036 opened by Basgamer999 - 1
Consider locomotive / stock in-game tagging system (in addition to existing OC/CC)
#1038 opened by cam72cam - 7
[1.16.5] Crash with item rendering (I think)
#1039 opened by TheSnowyChickens - 0
Locomotive Part Inspection
#1044 opened by Glawowow - 1
Compatibility With Vanilla-style Minecarts
#1045 opened by kiloPascal-a - 2
Crash after placing very long track blueprint (1.16.5)
#1046 opened by biauk - 1
Found an anomaly with ImmersiveRailroading
#1040 opened by OcrSu - 3
The player cannot enter the server after death [1.7.10]
#1047 opened by TheBigPandaQwQ - 2
slopes don't work
#1048 opened by MCCAIN1337 - 0
Add support for multi-deck and double-deck trains
#1050 opened by SebastianD334 - 1
Add brake sounds
#1051 opened by MiszkoPro - 0
Add dynamic exhaust effects for diesels
#1052 opened by hoover35 - 0
Suggestion about the hitboxes of the trains, seats and movement in the trains.
#1053 opened by Masiu121 - 0
Add the ability to "just walk in" when doors are open
#1055 opened by SebastianD334 - 1
Railbed material selection menu shows same blocks more than one time (1.16.5, Forge, Optifine)
#1056 opened by biauk - 1
Visual bug with slopes' railbed known from previous version still exists (and more) (1.16.5, Forge, Optifine)
#1057 opened by biauk - 2
Ticking Player (ImmersiveRailroading 1.12.2)
#1059 opened by ItzMatttt - 0
Game crashes when placing rail
#1058 opened by Chickn-man - 0
Allow track previews to store materials before being built.
#1060 opened by Turtle-star - 1
trains dont work in multiplayer
#1061 opened by crrepitv - 1
trains dont work in the multiplayer
#1062 opened by crrepitv - 0
Better passenger dismount
#1064 opened by AndMattBurt - 1
Multiblock TE is null, casting basin.
#1065 opened by novacheri1 - 3
Specify parts to be usable on more than one locomotive or car
#1067 opened by WrongWeekend - 5
Trains aren't working correctly in multiplayer.
#1068 opened by novacheri1 - 2
Crash when Joining a World
#1069 opened by MeeseGX - 1
Crash when taking water from a tank car
#1070 opened by This1sAUsername