World of Warcraft
13,250 Mods
H.E.V. Suit fvox clock (Audio only)
268 DownloadsHalf-Life 1 HEV Suit audio only clock
264 DownloadsWhen picking up azerite isn't exciting enough
Sweetsour's Audio Pack - Wolf
262 Downloadsvoicepack for custom audio wolf
DBM Countdown Pack: Team Fortress 2 Administrator
260 DownloadsTF2 Administrator countdown anouncement as a count option for DBM.
Chat Channel Notifier
259 DownloadsSmall addon that plays a soundfile when you get an message on a chat channel.
256 DownloadsCustomised Sounds for All Aspects and Classes in World of Warcraft
Sound Effects On
255 DownloadsKeeps your sounds on.
Ready check sound
253 DownloadsReplace the ready check sound with the sound you want
251 DownloadsPlays sounds from the tourette's guy when various in-game events happen.
250 DownloadsThis addon will softly Thok the footstep sounds of WoW.
250 DownloadsPlays Mario fail sound on death
249 DownloadsSharedMedia to use with WeakAuras
SharedMedia Abraham
249 DownloadsCustom media library created for Abraham in Pugnas Rache on Razorfen-EU TBC
SFX Hunter
244 DownloadsSounds for spell of hunter
240 DownloadsRecreate the Z-Targeting system from The Legend of Zelda series by utilising Legion's ActionCam console settings! (Fork of ZTargetMe! by Nierfenhimer with fixes)
Wow I Twisted
240 DownloadsPlays an Owen Wilson WOW when you successfully twist your seals
Audio Tweaks - Warrior
239 DownloadsTweaks and tones down the intensity of the most common warrior combat sounds
Shards Sound Pack
234 DownloadsSound pack used by Shards.
Sweetsour's Audio Pack - Theun
232 DownloadsVoicepack for Sweetsour's Audio theun
Situational Audio Manager (SAM)
229 DownloadsConfigurable Audio Profiles For Different Activities