World of Warcraft
13,503 Mods
2k DownloadsSee useful information about conduits in their tooltips
Heretic Lootmaster
2k DownloadsA tool to manage loot distribution in Raids where Master Loot is not an option.
2k DownloadsGrindon helps you measure performance of grinding by telling you what, how much and how often do you loot something
Raiduku (+1 Loot Manager)
2k DownloadsMinimalist addon to help raid leaders managing loots in WotLK Classic.
2k DownloadsDejablue's simple Micro Menu and Bags hider.
Seed Raid
1.9k DownloadsRun 10-man seed raids more efficiently.
Evening Wear
1.9k DownloadsAuto-equips a specified gear set in cities
1.9k DownloadsDisplays a Button to simplify using Artifact Power Items
Night Watch Roll Tracker
1.9k DownloadsTracks SR/MS/OS Loot Rolls and Announces Winners
AdiBags - Time Rifts
1.9k DownloadsFilters items added from Time Rifts, Dragonflight Patch 10.1.5: Fractures in Time.
Switch Specs
1.9k DownloadsSwitch specializations and equipment sets in one click.
1.9k DownloadsPassing loot you don't need.
Adibags - Shadowlands Pins
1.9k DownloadsPut some shadowlands items in its own category, and pin it while in relevant zone.
1.9k DownloadsDisplays stat difference when comparing items.
zUI Quality of Life Settings
1.9k DownloadsImproved settings for the basic UI
1.9k DownloadsUsed to gather the scaled stats for equipment while in BGs or Arenas.
1.9k DownloadsEasyDelete is a World of Warcraft addon designed to streamline the item deletion process. It automatically fills in the confirmation text when deleting good items, saving players time and reducing the risk of accidental deletions. With EasyDelete, managing
Water Dispenser (Hotfix for Classic Era)
1.9k DownloadsConsumables trading addon
Item Count
1.9k DownloadsTrack item count for bags and banks across characters in tooltips and a dedicated UI window.
1.9k DownloadsAutomatically swap gear set when changing spec