World of Warcraft
13,207 Mods
1.2k DownloadsSpeed and Kill Requirement Tracker for valid WCL speedruns
EasyMode: Vectis
1.2k DownloadsAutomatically coordinate debuff swaps for the Vectis Bossfight
1.2k DownloadsA simple and convinient panel for raid leaders.
1.2k DownloadsPriOs is a simple AddOn to support the pre-raid prio loot system
Simple iLevel - Avoidance
1.2k DownloadsShows the amount of avoidance other players have equipped in the tooltip
1.2k DownloadsTarget/Location markers, Ready check, Pull timer & Break timer
Loot Vote
1.2k DownloadsAdds a voting option for loot drops during raids.
Salvationed - Blessing of Salvation Remover
1.2k DownloadsAutomatically removes any Salvation buff that is cast on the player as long as the player wears a shield
Ability Macro Manager
1.2k DownloadsEasily manage abilities that are usually pre-assigned in a dungeon or raid, like Power Infusion or Misdirection abilities.
1.2k DownloadsXiao8 soundpack for DBM
Incoming Damage
1.2k DownloadsCharts the last 30secs of incoming magical damage, incoming physical damage and self-heals so that tanks can learn which of their mitigations is best for the situation they are in.
1.2k DownloadsRovan`s Combat Alarm
1.1k DownloadsKader Raid Tools makes the raid leader's life easier. Honorable Mention:BlameTheMage guild on Warmane-Icecrown.
1.1k DownloadsTracker de MoTL Archimonde Mythic
1.1k DownloadsClassicHealAssignments is a raid assignment helper for WoW Classic allowing players to quickly give healers and dispellers assignments using an in-game interface.
1.1k DownloadsVisualizes dungeon lockouts in the premade group lists of the LFD tool and adds additional filters.
DBM Lobos Countdown
1.1k DownloadsLobos Countdown pack for DBM
1.1k DownloadsAdvanced WeakAuras for raid encounters
LFGAdvancedFilter - Dungeons
1.1k DownloadsAdds dungeons and role filtering options to the premade dungeon group finder
Xck MasterLoot Advanced
1.1k DownloadsManage easily & quickly the loots from your Raid Pug/Guild as ML