World of Warcraft
13,080 Mods
For the Alliance! - esMX
4.9k DownloadsPlays the Anduins yell of "¡Por la Alianza!" from the BfA trailer when cast Bloodlust kinda spells
Ted's PVP Spelltimers
4.9k DownloadsVisual and Audio alerts of player cooldowns.
NoxxInfo - Boss Hints (SoD)
4.9k DownloadsAdditional boss encounter and NPC hints in their tooltips when hovering the NPC.
4.9k DownloadsProvides shorthand slash commands for common macro tasks
4.9k DownloadsShows Jukes and Interrupts
4.9k DownloadsAllows for easier misdirection through a fly out menu on minimap
Premake Groups Helper
4.8k DownloadsCustomizable enhancements for LFG premake Groups tools.
For Azeroth! - esMX
4.8k DownloadsPlays the Varians yell "For Azeroth" from the Legion trailer
4.8k Downloads## Author:
4.8k DownloadsPlays demomans KABOOM sound when you use Shockwave
Steal, Purge & Dispel - Terran Update
4.8k DownloadsShow Stealable, Purgeable and Dispellable Buffs on Enemies.
For Azeroth! - itIT
4.8k DownloadsPlays the Varians yell "Per Azeroth!" from the Legion trailer
For the Alliance! - frFR
4.7k DownloadsPlays the Anduins yell "Pour l'Alliance !" from the BFA trailer
FS Cooldowns2
4.7k DownloadsRaid cooldowns tracker
4.7k DownloadsReadySpells
DBM Voicepack:OldMan
4.7k DownloadsWind Brother
Simple Dispel
4.7k DownloadsShows dispelable debuff types and allows alt-click dispell on default raid frames
For the Horde! - enUS
4.6k DownloadsPlays the Silvanas yell "For the Horde!" from the BFA trailer.
4.6k DownloadsUtility for swapping your fishing pole for your weapons when entering combat.
4.6k DownloadsClassHelper is a basic WoW Addon that will attempt to enhance your gameplay by adding warnings, timers, and other bars to your UI.