World of Warcraft
13,080 Mods
Get Over Here Paladin
4.3k DownloadsAudio and Video
Quick Warnings
4.3k DownloadsShows quick buffs like Clearcasting, Sword and Board
For the Alliance! - ptBR
4.3k DownloadsPlays the Anduins yell "Pela Aliança!" from the BFA trailer
For the Horde! - esMX
4.3k DownloadsPlays Sylvanas Windrunner yell of "¡Por la Horda!" from the BfA trailer
Get Over Here Warlock
4.3k DownloadsAudio and Video
For the Alliance! - itIT
4.3k DownloadsNotes-enUS: Plays the Anduins yell "Per l'Alleanza!" from the BFA trailer
4.2k DownloadsCastomatic allows a player to create multiple Action Sequences and adjust the behavior of these sequences
For the Horde! - ptBR
4.1k DownloadsPlays the Silvanas yell "Pela Horda!" from the BFA trailer.
RogueWizz - Buff / Debuff Tracker
4.1k DownloadsRogue Ability Duration Tracker. Helps Rogues efficiently keep active buffs / debuffs
Talent Auto Switch
4.1k DownloadsChanges talent spells in macros and on action bars
4.1k DownloadsNotifies you when something happens to your character
4.1k DownloadsShows you when you crit and when you overkill something
For the Horde! - deDE
4.1k DownloadsPlays the Silvanas yell "Für die Horde!" from the BFA trailer.
4.1k DownloadsBroadcasts in chat who cast any Bloodlust/Drums buff.
4.1k DownloadsBetterAnchors Provides a better way to anchor Weakauras!
mOnArs PVPEquipManager
4.1k DownloadsAutomatically equip best possible ilvl for PVP!
Chitchat (Answering Machine)
4.1k DownloadsPersonal answering machine and chat channel recorder.
4.1k DownloadsHunter Aspects with Feign Death and Camo on moveable bar.
TRON - A Combat Log Start/Stop Utility
4k DownloadsTurn on/off combat log when entering/leaving raid.
4k DownloadsVoices from VoiceCoolDown in English