World of Warcraft
13,779 Mods
Guild Performance
0 DownloadsGuild Performance
Duel Tournament
0 DownloadsHelps to organize duel tournaments
0 DownloadsAssignments helps a group or raid leader manage raid icons and assign tasks for those icons to group or raid members
SV Hunter Focus Helper
0 DownloadsHelps maximizing your SV DPS
0 DownloadsHelps people heal with a click of a few buttons.
Organized Chaos
0 DownloadsBlizzard raid frame enhancements
Kill The Healers
0 DownloadsReminds you that you should be killing the healers first
Life Pulse
0 DownloadsCauses you screen to flash red as you approach death.
0 DownloadsTracks buffs/debuffs seen during fights, for post review.
0 DownloadsTankbot
0 DownloadsTemplar is the ultimate Mage Assistant
0 DownloadsAn addon to track the DoTs and cooldowns of fire mage
Tank Taunt Organizer
0 DownloadsA Addon that tells Tanks when to taunt during Cataclysm Raids (like halfus for his Healing debuff)
Deathlysicks Dk rotation
0 Downloadsa Dk Rotation setup (Elitest Jerk Rotations)
Deathlysicks: User Interface replacement
0 Downloadsa Addon that allows a complete UI to be set up with only one addon downloaded
Boss health tracker
0 DownloadsWill show current bosses health, mana(or whatever), and action
Action Adviser
0 DownloadsAction Adviser
0 DownloadsThe purpose of this addon is to keep track of the dots you have on a specific target.
0 DownloadsAllows you to publish and/or subscribe to information about spells cast by yourself or your allies.
Pop up blocker
0 DownloadsA addon that disables the character, guild, honor and other panes from opening in combat