World of Warcraft
13,779 Mods
Aura Tracker
0 DownloadsSimple Buff/Debuff/DOT Tracker
Epsi Raid Notes
0 DownloadsEpsi Raid Notes
Mouse Look Cursor
0 DownloadsMouse Cursor look and turn no longer disappear
Nameplates Max Distance
0 DownloadsMakes it so you can see nameplates from a maximum distance
First-Person View
0 DownloadsWeakauras strings with imported images to achieve a better first-person experience in WoW
Nud's BoP Announcer
0 DownloadsQuick and Easy Paladin class addon that sends a whisper to the player you cast Blessing of Protection on!
0 DownloadsHealing and party frame addon
Peaceful Sanctuary
0 DownloadsHides enemy nameplates while in a sanctuary.
Shadow Vulnerability Debt
0 DownloadsShadow Vulerability "debt" tracker.
TranqRotate (Self-Update)
0 DownloadsTranqRotate BUT for WOTLK
Target Nameplate Indicator Plugin - Green Indicators
0 DownloadsGreen versions of the Indicators for Target Nameplate Indicator addon