World of Warcraft
13,784 Mods
Discord Rich Presence
0 DownloadsUtility that allows real-time export of data to 3rd part applications.
Party Lock 2
0 DownloadsMythic and Heroic Party Lock info for party and guild
0 DownloadsA World of Warcraft addon for managing alt information and handy reminders for what to do
Mistcaller VO
0 DownloadsVoice over files for Mistcaller
0 DownloadsSmall tool that helps with icons in mythic+ keys
First-Person View
0 DownloadsWeakauras strings with imported images to achieve a better first-person experience in WoW
ItemAutocomplete - TBC Classic
0 DownloadsThis is an autocomplete addon for item links in WoW Classic. It integrates with your chat and is triggered with a single character (default [), making every single item in the game available with a few key strokes. This is a fork of the abandoned version.
0 DownloadsShows your highest crit
Burning Crusade Soundtrack Reimagined
0 DownloadsAn alternate OST that replaces the Burning Crusade Soundtrack
Voice female,male Diablo&żeński głos z Diablo2 for MikScrollingBattleText addon
0 DownloadsChange sounds from MikScrollingBattleText addon to female voice from Diablo game
0 DownloadsUpdate to auto carrot from WoW Classic for TBC
0 DownloadsSmall window with Slam statistics
0 DownloadsWOWAccess is an add-on that grants more independence among blind and visually impaired players by providing audio queues and TTS speech.
Shadow Vulnerability Debt
0 DownloadsShadow Vulerability "debt" tracker.
Venture Plan Continued
0 DownloadsMission table helper
Long Macros 2
0 DownloadsAn addon to create macros longer than 255 characters
Improved Frames
0 DownloadsImproves the default UI
0 DownloadsWoWTR-UA
Classic Tweaks
0 DownloadsInterface tweaks for Classic client
Simplified Rune Frame
0 DownloadsStandard Blizzard Rune frame, but without the unnecessary scrolling