World of Warcraft
13,779 Mods
3 DownloadsWarns you of nearby enemy hunter pets
Mouse Debugging Tool
3 DownloadsHelps debug mouse issues
2 DownloadsScans chat to find groups
Scarllet Casino
2 DownloadsA minigame with different types of gold gambling games.
Remove Heart of Azeroth Alerts
2 DownloadsRemoves the annoying popup telling you that you need to visit the forge
2 DownloadsTrack distance traveled and steps taken for each character
No Type Macro Edit
2 DownloadsAllowing for macro creation with as little typing as possible.
Wartorn Looter
2 DownloadsAuto-loot all Warton scraps to the designated player
BigWigs Pretzel Voices
2 DownloadsCustom countdown voices for BigWigs
Holy Power Disable
2 DownloadsDisables Holy Power Blizzard UI Bar, from under Player frame
2 DownloadsSet your UI scale to 1:1 pixel perfect
GearPlanner (Shadowlands Season 4)
2 DownloadsPlan your Gear
Classic Minimap
2 DownloadsRestores the pre 10.0 Minimap and LFG Eye
Drowning Alert
2 DownloadsA simple warning for drowning.
All Ferals Are Rats
2 DownloadsChanged Cat form portrait to Rat
Shadow Guild Invite
1 DownloadsGuild invite tool for Shadow Syndicate
1 DownloadsPapaBear's collection of congratulation "Dad Jokes" to guildies.
Good Night!
1 DownloadsSay Good Night to all your guildies :)
Simple Club Tool
1 DownloadsRetrieves really basic information about in-game communities & guilds including a text-based roster export.
0 DownloadsA simple in-game notepad.