World of Warcraft
13,779 Mods
5 DownloadsAutomatically play addons when jumping
4 DownloadsA stylish and versatile speedometer
Iamtank i protecc
4 DownloadsChange Loot method via chat commands
4 DownloadsDisplays if you have your targets mount or not
4 DownloadsTrack stats to make your Maraudon runs more interesting
Phuz UI
4 DownloadsElvUI + Weakaura distribution
4 DownloadsChecks Archivists Codex one time quests, shows location of rift chests, checks Venari daily vault
4 DownloadsMedia Addon for the Guild Prepull-Blackhand
Pet & Mount Summon Roulette
4 DownloadsThis is a World of Warcraft addon that randomly summons a mount or pet from your collection, cycling through rarity groups. It intelligently selects mounts based on riding conditions and ensures variety by avoiding recently summoned ones.
4 DownloadsQuick text output to show all your saved raid IDs
In-Game Health Reminder
4 DownloadsGet notifications to get some movement so you can continue to play WoW and be healthy!
4 DownloadsReplaces ATT's Sounds with Minimalistic Gnome Cheers.
3 DownloadsPost-it note for Vision potions
Real Battlefield Queue times
3 DownloadsShows the actual queue times in WoW Classic
Follow the Leader
3 DownloadsAddon for friends/party members for auto following.
Rank My Ghast
3 DownloadsOn-Screen Ranking of Anima Powers
Simp Armory
3 Downloadssimple armory viewer
3 DownloadsDynamic reputation selection
Mythic Affix Helper
3 DownloadsMythicAffixHelper is a World of Warcraft addon that enhances your Mythic+ dungeon experience. It adds warning icons, tooltips, and animated affix icons to highlight critical effects, providing a more intuitive and efficient gameplay experience.
3 DownloadsSimple WoW Addon to fix 'strlower' errors.