World of Warcraft
13,250 Mods
1.3k DownloadsSimplify WoW UI
Always Raiding
1.3k DownloadsForce Blizzards Compact Raid Frames to always show
No Pink Classes
1.3k DownloadsReplaces Shaman and Paladin Class Colors
1.3k DownloadsShows the exp of party members who also have the addon installed.
Island score board
1.3k Downloadsmoves the Island Expostions score info down a litte
Raik Window
1.2k DownloadsBasic addon to show some stats in a floating window
Raid Frame Sorter (classic)
1.2k DownloadsSort the standard blizzard raid frames
1.2k DownloadsHides the group number in unit frames
1.2k DownloadsToggles Interface>Raid Profiles>Keep Groups Together twice to fix tainted raid frames.
1.2k DownloadsA simple and convinient panel for raid leaders.
Distance and Speed (Kilometres)
1.2k DownloadsTrack Your In-Game Journeys with DistanceTracker: An Addon that Displays Your Speed + Traveled Distance in Kilometres.
Loot Vote
1.2k DownloadsAdds a voting option for loot drops during raids.
Distance and Speed (Miles)
1.2k DownloadsTrack Your In-Game Journeys with DistanceTracker: An Addon that Displays Your Speed + Traveled Distance in Miles.
Spellbook Scroll
1.2k DownloadsPermits scrolling within the spellbook
1.2k DownloadsMinimal, Colorful Nameplates
Always Show Level
1.2k DownloadsAlways show character level when in cities, inns, or combat.
Classic Frames
1.2k DownloadsRestores the pre Dragonflight unitframes and minimap
Additional Info
1.1k DownloadsAdds extra infos to the tooltip / unitFrame
LFGAdvancedFilter - Dungeons
1.1k DownloadsAdds dungeons and role filtering options to the premade dungeon group finder
Healer Only Power (ElvUI Plugin)
1.1k DownloadsThis will add the ability to hide the power bar for healers in your party/raid1/raid2/raid3 unitframes.