- 0
PneumaticCraft: Repressurized Tube Module Block Entities cause Schematic Failure
#4327 opened by M3wP - 3
[Bug] java.lang.ClassFormatError: Duplicate method name "handler$chk000$setupMaterial_2$missing"
#4326 opened by BelgianDev - 2
Crash in 0.5.0.h
#4325 opened by Frzncore - 0
Client Crash Afther Connecting the Server
#4324 opened by OcrSu - 2
My game crashes when i enter a world in create 1.18.2-0.5.0h
#4323 opened by MFNmodding - 3
Vault-PSI interaction
#4322 opened by franco-roura - 0
Bulk Chorosion, a way to unsmelt items
#4321 opened by BenGoldberg1 - 5
Game Crash due Config
#4320 opened by xhytenzhi - 4
train tracks seem brocken
#4319 opened by 152m - 2
Game Crashing
#4318 opened by cmoore993 - 2
1.18.2 - NullPointer com.simibubi.create.content.logistics.block.funnel.FunnelBlock.getFunnelFacing
#4317 opened by TheIncgi - 1
Schematicannon fails to place girder-encased shaft
#4316 opened by unofficial-fish - 0
Cheap mechanical belts decoration
#4315 opened by Kemilab - 7
Game crashing when obtaining treasure map
#4314 opened by Cloneus - 2
Duplication Bug with mixer
#4313 opened by curryducker - 2
Does it need a vanilla world type to generate ores or could it work with Biomes O'Plenty world type?
#4311 opened by birdgamer38 - 0
Random Crash (Something about a tooltip I think)
#4310 opened by INooBTooMuch - 1
process pumpkins into carved pumpkins
#4309 opened by ooooooonfdfasn - 5
Keep player local rotation
#4308 opened by PrizrakSHIZA - 4
Minecraft crashed with error failed to create player model for default
#4306 opened by siennia - 2
i cant play
#4305 opened by lunaplays1203 - 0
Gantry Carriage Breaks when pulled by another gantry carriage
#4304 opened by bobbobkilu - 4
Some Steam Whistle Notes Are Out of Tune
#4303 opened by FC-Creations - 5
Crashes when paired with optifine in 1.19.2
#4302 opened by MashedPutato - 3
When combined with Optifine and NoCubes, the client fatally crashes
#4301 opened by DrDankPHD - 4
Crushing axolotl buckets with the crushing wheels should make axolotl hurt sounds
#4300 opened by LyoGyo - 0
Adjustable Repeaters are not propagating delays correctly
#4299 opened by Skier23 - 2
Minecart with furnace not rendering correctly
#4298 opened by bobbillyno - 3
Crash with version
#4297 opened by Skyler5255 - 3
Mechanical Mixer Won't Make Brass
#4296 opened by brodini - 4
Chests Don't render correctly using Create
#4295 opened by BrutalPizza17273 - 8
Display boards showing squares with MidernUI mode
#4294 opened by PrizrakSHIZA - 0
Modpack: Stoneblock 3, Content Observer
#4293 opened - 0
(Compat Issue) Customizable Player Models causes the train hat to clip through
#4292 opened by Inonedn - 1
Crash while loading with optifine
#4291 opened by ckkomi - 5
Client Crash upon starting when including Create
#4290 opened by poetechi - 5
#4289 opened by valentinval90 - 4
Grinding stone and crushing wheel from Create causes a massive fps drop
#4288 opened by tigersmith12 - 3
Can't drive trains in VR
#4287 opened by Garishrumble - 0
Smart Hopper
#4286 opened by Lodran - 3
Chinese piracy
#4285 opened by Grey-Wind - 0
station markers on maps cause a ticking world when upgrading
#4284 opened by badgeminer - 0
More accurate derail conditions
#4283 opened by LeWolfYT - 3
Cannot invoke "com.simibubi.create.content.logistics.trains.TrackEdge.getLength()" because "initialEdge" is null
#4282 opened by Flexz9 - 2
pipe texture
#4281 opened by MrwoofGaming - 4
Chest Texture Issue
#4280 opened by YokoSilver - 2
Items vanish from Vaults after Server reboot for 1.18.2 (not just a problem in 1.19)
#4279 opened by Fade-Alchemist - 1
schematic paper gui crash
#4278 opened by 1h-boosted - 0
Minecart Coupling causes minecarts to stop when encountering a track going up a block
#4277 opened by skier233 - 3
Redstone link signals not being sent/recieved properly.
#4276 opened by arcturus125