- 0
Plough should break moss carpet
#4493 opened by VonZeeple - 0
Support for version 1.12.2
#4492 opened by hbogdan2009 - 1
Mechanical Villager Trader
#4491 opened by BenGoldberg1 - 5
#4490 opened by D4rk5t4r02 - 1
increase the maximum rail length
#4488 opened by kiryD - 0
about in-game command "/create trains"
#4487 opened by QWXL - 0
Destruction in multiplayer games
#4486 opened by QWXL - 2
Ponder Crash For
#4485 opened by ShiftySnowWolf - 1
0.5.0i crash
#4484 opened by SniffSniff125 - 0
Deployer doesnt place saplings
#4483 opened by UltraINF - 2
Ponder Crashes game
#4482 opened by Kimera290 - 5
[1.18.2] Some crafts do not appear in JEI (jei-10.2+) Create 0.5.0i
#4481 opened by YggdrasziI - 1
v0.5.0i Crash while placing or breaking flywheels and finding village in world flat
#4479 opened by FirdausCraft10 - 1
Game crash when use schematicannon printing a schematicannon
#4477 opened by EdrowsLuo - 2
Possibility to use jetpack as body part from curios
#4476 opened by Zkaface - 1
1.19.2 Game Crashes because train track
#4475 opened by D3rFynn - 1
[1.18.2 Forge] Crash with mod Raised (Failed to load)
#4474 opened by OverEarth12 - 1
Potion Brewing issue with thermal Series Mods
#4473 opened by Maxi90909 - 0
Invisible Tracks
#4472 opened by Aeronist-89 - 8
v0.5.0i crash on Forge 1.19.2 (java.lang.NoSuchMethodError)
#4471 opened by MsJoyMaeda - 3
Smart Chutes on Item Vaults cause lag
#4470 opened by cmdremily - 3
create-1.19.2-0.5.0.i.jar falsely flagged by Windows Defender when inside a compressed zip file
#4469 opened by Ash-Hybrid - 0
Mechanical Saws don't chop down trees if the tree grew while a contraption was on the same block
#4468 opened by Baboobraz - 3
Create 0.5.0.i crashes when run on Forge 1.19.3 (44.1.16)
#4467 opened by and-there-it-goes - 0
[Forge - Crash] 1.19.2 Crash on Item Attibutes
#4466 opened by homemmakako - 1
Train requires train controls when i have one.
#4465 opened by AliAlasfoor - 1
Grass block's texture glitches out whenever I put a create block on it.
#4464 opened by makyanekra - 0
Item Vault Nether
#4463 opened by SirLogofJam - 3
automatic activator does not work on the server as it should 1.18.2 0.5.0.i
#4462 opened by mi-201 - 1
Mechanical Best texture render on server
#4461 opened by Elioox - 2
Brass funnel with mechanical arm duplicates items
#4460 opened by oliverlaursen - 4
Can't open train station UI (Server)
#4459 opened by berggggg - 2
Make placards act like regular buttons
#4457 opened by wqferr - 0
No recipe to smelt crushed silver into silver ingot from silent's gems mod
#4456 opened by nmills3 - 1
Mechanical Piston is Breaking for no reason
#4455 opened by WhyTheF8CKis-ICMan-NotAvailable - 0
[Forge 1.19.2] Create needs to use FluidType's and canDrownIn methods for Copper Backtank item
#4454 opened by TelepathicGrunt - 2
O2 Tank crash
#4453 opened by StanLeeBOY - 0
The display target will be lost after the display linke is materialized显示链接器实体化后会丢失显示目标
#4452 opened by C1-000 - 3
Belt and Smart Chute Ticking Entity Crash
#4451 opened by Takeru3939 - 0
Piston-related ticking block issue
#4450 opened by thegrandslam2002 - 2
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException from one of our Players 1.19.2
#4449 opened by suerion - 1
buged assembly things in hostify create fabric 1.19.2
#4448 opened by vikouseqq - 1
floating-point precision lost
#4447 opened by imexplorer1 - 2
Can't enter train station UI
#4446 opened by NsCones - 3
Crash when placing Mechanical belts over Chutes
#4445 opened by EmanueleGiannuzzi - 0
Redstone Help Example
#4444 opened by Lightningwhip - 0
Displayboard outside renderdistance
#4442 opened by MagicWizurdOff - 1
Item tag for armor pieces counting as the diving helmet
#4441 opened by xbxbxb123 - 0
Waterloggable belts
#4440 opened by Golfavel - 0
So I am trying to make a alternator and I am using 3 water wheels and and it keeps saying overstressed but when i add a 4th one it breaks
#4439 opened by thrashervr10