- 4
#4568 opened by AlexRover - 2
Vibrant Capacitor accepts only 5000 RF/t from a P2P FE
#4571 opened by Xiaminou - 2
XP Dupe Bug
#4572 opened by 2ndkirbyever - 1
[Suggestion] Powered Spawner spawn exact copy of Entity
#4573 opened by nikita488 - 5
Placing a RF Gauge on a RFTools Power Cell causes a crash
#4574 opened by lhw - 1
the wired charger causes game crash
#4576 opened by dragonup1793 - 0
Glass texture "glitch" when facasde is painted same and abuts/intrudes
#4578 opened by TheQuadShot - 1
Conduits for applied energistic 2?
#4579 opened by 5t0rmr1d3r - 0
Crash on start
#4580 opened by HerrBeef - 3
EnderIO machinery performance
#4581 opened by DBotThePony - 12
=Bad file= IMC from other mod
#4582 opened by jacobmix - 24
[1.12.2] Conduit Connector
#4583 opened by TheSnowyChickens - 3
[12.2] Shift Click Deletes
#4584 opened by Gadoon - 4
Conduit Facades let light through
#4577 opened by Xiaminou - 4
1.12.2 crash on create/load world
#4587 opened by Fez-Masta77 - 6
Unnecessary recipe book button conflict with Crafting Tweaks
#4588 opened by BlayTheNinth - 2
Grains of Infinity server impact?
#4589 opened by ouroborus - 1
Painted Dark Pressure Plates - texture error
#4585 opened by TWJedi - 13
New 1.12.x versions not available on the maven
#4586 opened by BrainStone - 4
Ender IO Crafter is not available to be crafted and does not appear in JEI
#4591 opened by Ishapza - 1
EnderIO Energy Conduit do not connect to Drconic Crafting-Injektor
#4592 opened by florian262000 - 2
One of the debug options in the config file is true by default instead of false
#4593 opened by daanstout - 1
Redstone Conduit crashes the world
#4594 opened by NimbusFox - 2
Dedicated server Crash and wont start after placeing conduits
#4595 opened by spocane - 2
EnderIO incompatibility issues with Liteloader
#4596 opened by Brisingr17 - 17
1.12.2 Server Crashes. Caused to Fluid Conduits?
#4597 opened by Nimtrod - 5
Facades cannot be placed against adjacent blocks
#4590 opened by Astewen - 3
java.lang.RuntimeException: ModObject:create: Could not create instance for class crazypants.enderio.machines.machine.teleport.telepad.BlockTelePad using method create_telepad
#4598 opened by LemmaEOF - 0
Server crash when EIO glass placed over beacons
#4599 opened by falkreon - 1
Farming Station and Natura Cotton/Barley causes server crash [1.12.2]
#4600 opened by lays24mc - 2
how to turn off machine background that looks like bedrock
#4605 opened by Goozen - 0
conduit facades as stairs wont rotate
#4606 opened by Mementh - 12
1.12.2 Energy Conduits not working after Server restart
#4607 opened by chris42 - 4
Tinker's Construct Direct modifier doesn't work with part replacement
#4608 opened by hacatu - 2
OreDictionary Preferences
#4611 opened by belathus - 2
Alloy Smelter voiding items
#4601 opened by Kimochii-x3 - 1
Aversion Obelisk disabled all spawn
#4602 opened by MinoCraft - 1
Typo in recipes/sagmill_ores
#4603 opened by NielsPilgaard - 0
[1.7.10] NEI integration crash on Vat recipe display
#4604 opened by AnrDaemon - 1
Fluid Filters not allowing other mod fluids in whitelist
#4620 opened by Oxcidius - 1
Shift-clicking a speed upgrade into a fluid conduit makes the item disappear.
#4621 opened by xxMattewxx - 4
Maximum Energy Calculation with Enderio Capacitor Banks and Xnet
#4622 opened by FallenEagle1 - 2
crash on startup 1.12.2
#4614 opened by KiraLinux - 4
Ender io tanks have no GUI
#4615 opened by coolgaza16 - 5
[1.12.2] Client Crash due to checking permissions client side
#4618 opened by Morpheus1101 - 4
[1.12.2] Server Crash Ticking Player due to tinkers intergration issue
#4619 opened by Morpheus1101 - 0
Travel Anchors not properly teleporting players
#4626 opened by corvak - 2
Simple autocrafter not working as intended (checked with EpicSquid on discord)
#4627 opened by xerrio - 4
Soul Binder Strangeness w/ Refined Storage
#4628 opened by trittimo - 0
1.12 Conduits input items incorrectly into crafter
#4629 opened by Physaliidae