- 2
Request Yeta Wrench Config change no longer sneak and scroll but right click and sneak
#4630 opened by Mementh - 3
Magic Capacitors super common in Desert Temples
#4631 opened by belathus - 3
[1.7.10] Enchantment Withering I not aquireable through the EIO-Enchanter
#4633 opened by chaos234 - 0
Can't disable roundrobin on fluid-conduit
#4634 opened by DerMax93 - 9
Lag opening Simple Stirling Generator from EnderIO
#4638 opened by DiamondGallery - 3
Suggestion: Increase the output capacity of the reservoir based off the count of blocks in the structure
#4635 opened by mahldcat - 6
Capacitor bank fails outputting to another capacitor bank.
#4636 opened by xxMattewxx - 3
Visual Glitch with Industrial Foregoing Machinery
#4637 opened by rbandboy - 2
ender IO refined storage conduits requires a newer version than is publicly available.
#4644 opened by border999 - 2
Ender IO crashes on startup
#4645 opened by border999 - 2
Duplication bug with Thaumcraft destructive pickaxe and EnderIO machines
#4646 opened by belathus - 1
[Question] Inventory Panels
#4647 opened by acanady - 10
[Question] Will inventory Panels be ported in the future
#4648 opened by acanady - 3
[Request] SpecialSpawn event to spawners
#4649 opened by Flemmli97 - 1
EnderIO latest dev builds cause TCon to crash with IllegalAccessError, minecraft 1.12.2
#4650 opened by ESTPlayer - 1
Existing Item Filter snapshot fails with stack sizes > 127
#4641 opened by CD4017BE - 0
[1.12.2] Progress bar in Experience Obelisk goes past the end
#4642 opened by Morpheus1101 - 1
EnderIO combined with AE2 and ThermalExpansion
#4651 opened by 5pHiNxX - 6
Obelisk duplication XP (on server SpongeForge)
#4652 opened by yaroslav4167 - 1
Crash by EnderIO and RFTOOLS
#4653 opened by Shineeeeeuh - 2
1.12.2 Server crashes when any player trys to login
#4654 opened by TheHeavenOnMoon - 0
farming station rubber tree division by zero
#4655 opened by imerr - 7
1.12.2 Sag Mill recipes vanished from JEI while browsing them.
#4656 opened by Janitor53 - 4
My game stops loading and crashed at building terrain
#4660 opened by justmyname122 - 2
[Request] Processing (killing) of Soul Vial'ed mobs
#4659 opened by andr9528 - 1
Dimensional transceiver weird/impractical behavior with energy conduits.
#4664 opened by artemisSystem - 2
[Thaumcraft] Please add back Goggles of Revealing compat to dark helmet
#4665 opened by hron84 - 1
[Enhancment][Request] Elytra and glider thruster
#4666 opened by 7thCore - 4
[1.12.2] Crash when using Yeta Wrench on TE Tank
#4667 opened by MasterEnderman - 4
Redstone Conduits don't deal well with strong signals
#4669 opened by Xiaminou - 6
Redstone Conduits don't update blocks when they are disconnected
#4668 opened by Xiaminou - 0
Redstone Conduits don't display sides with redstone interactive blocks when shift-left-clicked with the Yeta Wrench
#4670 opened by Xiaminou - 3
Redstone Conduit's default output is green but default input is red
#4671 opened by Xiaminou - 5
Missing GUI Charging Slots Capacitor Bank
#4661 opened by ragregory42 - 4
[1.12.2] Energy Conduits giving power to Non-EnderIO Machines without being connected to a power source
#4662 opened by aking4125 - 1
Conduit Probe not working sometimes
#4663 opened by Keridos - 5
Enlightened Fused Quartz -> Painting Machine = Painted Fused Quartz [1.12.2]
#4674 opened by TheQuadShot - 5
[1.12.2] [TiC] Grinding Balls Unsing Wrong Cast
#4676 opened by Skaphegor - 0
Dark Steel Armor config Bug 1.12.2 in Ender IO - 5.0.25
#4677 opened by SirAron111 - 1
All capacitor configs missing?
#4678 opened by Discomanco - 1
Server crash when placing oc adapter next to oc cable in facade
#4672 opened by JomerDev - 6
HarvestDropsEvent Exception
#4673 opened by EverNife - 4
Duplication bug with farming station.
#4683 opened by triffman33 - 2
Painted glowstone dupe
#4684 opened by yepidoodles - 4
Can't combine two terrible capacitors in an anvil
#4685 opened by belathus - 3
[1.12.] Always crash on start up at Linux
#4686 opened by Skaphegor - 3
EIO Quite Clear Glass and Clear Quartz lighten/change BeaconColor (Related:https://github.com/SleepyTrousers/EnderIO/issues/4599)
#4687 opened by TheQuadShot - 2
Farming Station Not working
#4679 opened by Solverbolt - 8
Farming station doesn't shear leaves from some modded trees
#4680 opened by belathus - 1
Shift-Click Conduit Crash
#4681 opened by mavrikfalkon