- 1
1.16.5 (latest version) Max 5 blocks in the x?
#58 opened by djoveryde - 2
Crash on 1.12.2
#59 opened by Lucas559-noob - 1
Issue with modpack transfers
#60 opened by JakeFromStateFarm101 - 3
Crash problem
#55 opened by basmens - 0
Visual glitch with fuel rods
#54 opened by basmens - 1
error when building reprocessor
#63 opened by IAteMinecraft - 4
Reactor eats all the water returning from the turbine.
#61 opened by jgilmore - 2
Active/Passive NEEDS better explaination in the manual!
#62 opened by jgilmore - 1
bug crash
#64 opened by laboriens - 3
[CRASH] javafml:38 or above, and below 39 to load. We have found 39
#65 opened by itsdinkd - 0
Patchouli Mess on 1.18.1
#66 opened by itsdinkd - 0
[1.18.1] "use_resource_pack true" causing massive lag on advancements
#67 opened by itsdinkd - 0
Underproduction of Steam
#71 opened by auddie2015 - 3
Yellorium and cyanite don't have textures in the reactor
#68 opened by Peca21 - 1
Attempting to login to the world with reactor crashes client
#69 opened by SpinyOwl - 10
JEI compat
#70 opened by CTH999 - 1
[1.18.1] Uranium, even though it can be used as a solid fuel, cannot be used in the fluidizer.
#72 opened by ArchieBeepBoop - 0
"Vent all coolant" doesn't vent all coolant.
#73 opened by miiichael - 0
Turbine possibly voiding coolant fluid
#76 opened by miiichael - 1
Reactors violate the laws of conservation of (fuel) mass.
#74 opened by miiichael - 2
Multiple controllers can result on non-rectangular turbines, and also crashes
#75 opened by miiichael - 0
Bug/Intended Feature?
#77 opened by SatanicHanzoX - 1
[1.18] Crash on client joining server
#78 opened by DMSledge - 1
Game Crash
#81 opened by KingToyoter - 1
#79 opened by ESimonis - 1
1.12.2 Source?
#80 opened by Kurtoid - 1
Typo in Turbine Vapor
#82 opened by stillie - 2
[1.18.2] Crash when trying to build Reprocessor
#83 opened by ToxinZangoose - 1
Redstone Port - It seems that the GUI is missing a description
#34 opened by beiai - 1
GUI not showing internal storage max size properly for reactor.
#31 opened by TheDarkPreacher - 1
Redstone Port - Fuel Richness does not seem to work
#32 opened by beiai - 1
Redstone Port - a small problem with the GUI showing
#33 opened by beiai - 2
Reactor does not turn on after a scram
#35 opened by AlperBozkir - 5
strange error/crash after updating Mekanism
#36 opened by JasonKillsUs - 6
Some problems with button click
#37 opened by beiai - 4
Emit a pulse signal will trigger twice
#38 opened by beiai - 5
Support for Fabric?
#39 opened by DariusSG - 10
The Extrem Book has some Issues
#40 opened by jajajafeti - 4
Config Options dont work
#41 opened by jajajafeti - 8
Visual Glitch in 1.16.5 While clicking on a solid access port
#42 opened by Myzumi - 2
question about enigmatica 2 modpack recipes.
#43 opened by Kuktar - 1
yellorite ore
#44 opened by benbenlaw - 2
the turbine spins, the steam flows, but who knows where the power goes
#45 opened by DrBranzz - 2
English language issues
#46 opened by gentlegiantJGC - 2
getNumberOfControlRods() returns the number of fuel rods
#48 opened by jontaylor1985 - 1
Old bug is back? Power stored not giving correct redstone signal.
#49 opened by Novtalath - 1
Water/Steam waste
#50 opened by Novtalath - 1
Feature request: Be able to change output/input on fluid ports while multiblock is broken
#51 opened by kirayatail - 3
Updated to architectury-1.22.32-forge.jar and now my reactor has a visual glitch
#52 opened by manchesterjm - 2
Reactor does not fill fully
#53 opened by oliverbaumbach