- 6
When rotating the clipboard by 90 in WorldEdit degrees quartz pillars are not rotated
#1064 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
cut command says 'copied'
#1069 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
World Edit NPC "Dummies"
#1049 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Will not work in 1.8 forge server.
#1127 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Sideways logs dont rotate
#1128 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
Cutting and undoing broken 1.12.1
#1130 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Butcher just invisible armour stands.
#1131 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
Smooth not working 1.12
#1132 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
WE API don't paste entities
#1133 opened by LadyCailinBot - 4
setupDecompWorkspace fails (2 different ASM version on buildscript classpath)
#1134 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
ShulkerBox null
#1135 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
API documentations are outdated, and nothing has been done to update it
#1136 opened by LadyCailinBot - 4
Cubic chunks Support
#1137 opened by LadyCailinBot - 4
WorldEdit broken with latest SpongeForge
#1138 opened by LadyCailinBot - 16
Unable to use biome commands
#1139 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
Upload WE forge 1.12 version to maven
#1140 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
Cant undo tree generation
#1141 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Problem with //sel
#1142 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
WorldEdit - //regen does nothing - SpongeForge - 1.12.2
#1143 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
Beds not copying correctly
#1144 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
multi-directional smooth wand
#1145 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
NPE, then console spam
#1098 opened by LadyCailinBot - 3
Right-clicking wand twice in the air sets pos2 to 0,0,0
#1099 opened by LadyCailinBot - 3
Cannot cut or move stretched pistons
#1100 opened by LadyCailinBot - 4
Can't use //copy. java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: null
#1101 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
crash, bug in air
#1102 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
Bypass permissions for maximum radius sizes.
#1103 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
Game won't load
#1104 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
1.10 Schematics not respecting block subID
#1105 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
WorldEdit update for 1.11 needed.
#1106 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
worldedit{6.1.4} [WorldEdit] (U-worldedit-6.1.4-1.10.2-R.jar) - Single Player Crash on Startup!
#1107 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
use-inventory does not handle data values correctly, creative-mode-overrides is useless
#1108 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Upload 1.10.2 version to maven
#1109 opened by LadyCailinBot - 5
Could not pass event PlayerGameModeChangeEvent to WorldEdit
#1110 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack
#1111 opened by LadyCailinBot - 3
Extend disallowed-blocks feature
#1112 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
calc command crashes server
#1113 opened by LadyCailinBot - 3
Pasting moving pistons turn into "Piston moving piece"
#1114 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
Larger pastes don't cause light updates
#1115 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
Entry Bug
#1116 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
XYZ coordinates for //paste
#1117 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
Player copy error
#1118 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Regen command not working properly
#1119 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
copyEntities is ignored/not used for //copy //cut
#1120 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Warning when pasting schematics that contain command blocks
#1121 opened by LadyCailinBot - 6
WorldEdit 6.1.5 on Spigot 1.12 fails and shuts down server
#1122 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
Create -s flag for //line to select all the blocks that were placed
#1123 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
//mask throws InvocationTargetExeption (Bukkit 1.12)
#1124 opened by LadyCailinBot - 3
worldedit-forge-mc1.8.9-6.1.1 spawning behind player
#1125 opened by LadyCailinBot - 3
Metadata of chests is removed when chests are pasted over chests
#1126 opened by LadyCailinBot