World of Warcraft
13,260 Mods
Craft Master Classic
232 DownloadsSupport Addon for CraftMaster Classic Discord Bot
Kals MovableMoneyLabel
229 DownloadsMovable money label.. duh
228 DownloadsGambit Raid System helps in Raid loot distributuion by calculating a members loot rank based on 4 factors. Attendance score, ...
221 DownloadsTools & Quality of Life features for advertising and processing in-game guild sales
LZM DisplayCoins
216 DownloadsA lightweight addon that shows your wealth.
Gold Coin
216 DownloadsShow‘s gold with out opening your bags
Zandalari Money Pieces
210 DownloadsTracks the bonus gold from the Zandalari racial ability.
199 DownloadsWhispers back the prices of sell runs that your guild does
Hammer and Anvil
195 DownloadsAllows for automatic personal and guild repairs
Commodities Buyer and Seller
183 DownloadsAn add-on for buying and selling commodities in the auction house.
180 DownloadsHow much gold incoming from sold auctions? Now you see!
178 DownloadsTotals up exactly what you need to buy everything from a vendor
Draconic Augment Economy
172 DownloadsTracks your Augment Rune usage
161 DownloadsAuto-sell poor quality items and track remaining bagspace
Money Maker
153 DownloadsMoney Maker tracks the money you make
149 DownloadsMerchant extension to help vendor items
CMG Compte mes Golds
142 DownloadsJust to know how much you earn or loose per session
128 DownloadsRaid loot selling
TMog MarketPlace Export
128 DownloadsFor export inventory to Tmog MarketPlace
Pet Farm Helper Fork
124 DownloadsAdd-on that shows which battle pets can be farmed this week. More than 250 pets added/reviewed!